A Graceful Path

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Are You Sure God?

God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it. - Joel Osteen

Are you sure, God? Are you sure I am the right person for this job? Are you sure I have what it takes to accomplish this? Create this? Build this? Are you sure I am the right mom for these kids? The right wife for this man? The right employee for this company? Are you sure I can even do this? Or have the ability to do this? Are you sure I am the person they need? Or want? Or chose? Are you sure I am supposed to be here? At this very moment? At this very time? Are you sure I am the one?

Have you ever asked any of these questions? If you have then God is telling you YES. Yes, you are the one. Yes, you have what it takes. Yes, you will finish it. Yes, you are supposed to be where you are. God didn’t lose you. He hasn’t forgotten about you or made a mistake. He has a plan for you. One that was written before you were born. There is nothing you can do that can ruin the plan.

There is no mistake that you can make that will have God throwing his hands in the air and say “I give up. It’s all ruined.”

Nothing has been ruined. Nothing will be ruined. 

In the movie Taken, the main character finds out his daughter has been kidnapped. He says on the phone to his new enemy, “I have learned a particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career…” for the job of rescuing his daughter. God has placed a set of skills in you called gifts. Gifts that have been growing over the span of your life through experience and lessons. These gifts are connected to your passion. This passion is connected to your path. Your path is connected to where you are and what you’re doing right now. You are growing and learning and moving and glowing. It may look daunting and scary or just plain crazy. But you have everything you need. Push those scary thoughts and that doubt aside and say I can, I will and I have it. 

You are not there by accident. You will not stumble and trip to the finish line. You will not wander aimlessly around or get lost. You may feel lost now but it is all under control. While we wonder and think, God is thinking “Oh good. She’s right on time at the right place.” While we chew on our nails and fear what’s next, God is thinking “I can’t wait for the look on her face when she sees that's a blessing.” You are there on purpose. You have what it takes. You will make it to the end. Keep moving with purpose and remind yourself each time you start to doubt yourself. It’s no mistake. This is no accident. I am supposed to be here. I have what it takes. If God is sure about you, who are you to question Him. He created you. 

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