A Graceful Path

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Faith Over Fear

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. - Corrie Ten Boom

Paul from the Bible had a tough journey spreading the word of God, but he took such pride in hoping to make it to the finish line of his purpose. Considering he was getting stoned and arrested and beaten a lot, that is one committed man. Honestly, I don’t know if I could have made it. This is where I am thankful that we each have our own path and journey. Through his many travels, Paul never knew what to expect or what was coming. Was it going to be easy? Was it going to be hard? In my piece “Where are We Headed?” I talked about how we don’t know where we are going and we don’t know what is in store for our future, but no matter what God will get us to where we are supposed to be. Reading Paul’s story in the Bible in the book of Acts, another thing occurred to me. The trust Paul had in God was amazing! At times he was told he was going to get attacked if he went to a certain town and he still went knowing that God was going to be with him. Now that’s faith in God. Imagine knowing that if you take that job, you will have to struggle but God needs you there for your purpose, would you do it?

It’s one thing to say I trust God but it’s another to actually trust God.

There’s no dipping your toe when it comes to God. With him it's all or nothing. This includes some crazy situations that don’t look right. However, God knows where it's headed so we must fully trust in our Father. For example, Joseph had to trust God when his wife Mary said to him, she was pregnant by the Spirit of God. Moses had to trust when God said hit that rock with your stick so water can flow out of it. Abraham trusted God when he was told to leave his home and just go with no direction as to where. As you see it's all or nothing. Trusting can be hard or it can be easy. I say hard because fear is quick to get a grip on us. We can easily find ourselves drowning in our worries and completely lost in it. It’s easy to fall but not always easy to get up. Faith requires getting up. I say easy because some, like Paul, are born with the natural ability to have strong faith and trust that it will happen just as God said. No questions asked.   

For me, I am not always there. In times where I have struggled with trust, I have tried different methods to learn how to trust. I have tried saying it over and over hoping it sinks in. “God, I trust you. God I trust you.” It doesn’t work. I have tried writing it down and claiming that I trust Him. I have tried singing songs about trust. I finally realized that the only way to trust God….is to trust God. Like just jump off that cliff. Create that website. Write that book. Take that job. Start that company. Asking a million questions is not going to help the doubt. If all signs point to God telling you to trust Him in a situation, then trust Him. I wish I could say I just jumped as soon as God placed it in my heart to write this blog but I didn’t. I did ask a million questions. I did wonder over and over. But it’s time to finally just choose faith over fear and trust God. I do hope to one day have Paul’s level of trust and just go for it every single time. He has carried us this far. He’s not going to leave us now or ever.

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