A Graceful Path

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He is Fighting Your Battle

 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” - Exodus 14:14

 I know he has hurt you. I know he caused you pain. I know he tried to destroy you. He tried to break your spirit. For all the good things that you sent out there in the world. For all the love that you deposited. For all of you that you gave to this person. It hurts to feel and know that they took that and they tried to destroy it. It hurts to know that there’s a chance they never loved you. It hurts to know that they knew who you were. They knew what you’ve been through and they still wanted to cause you pain.

It’s natural to want them to feel that pain it’s natural to watch just as it’s natural to want them to suffer just like they made you suffer. It’s natural to want to expose them for the real person that they are, and not the false person that they pretend to be to the world. It’s natural to want them to be punished for what they did. They were terrible human beings. They were terrible to you. You did not deserve one thing that they did. You did not deserve even an inch of what they did. And don’t for one second think you are now broken or useless. Because this fighting spirit that you have right now shows how strong you are. And I know you will agree that they tried to break you, but they couldn’t because you were still here standing and you’re still here fighting. 

But now I need you to listen to me and to change one thing.

Instead of fighting them, I need you to fight for yourself. I need you to fight for your peace to return again. I need you to fight for your healing. I need you to fight for your rest and rejuvenation. I need you to fight for your renewal. I need you to fight for you. You have just been through so much. Your body, your mind, your emotions they were at war they the defense system was working at its most power to protect yourself. Your fighting system was working to stand up for yourself. Your running system was there to keep you going another day. It’s time to be kind to you and to forgive you. To love you and cherish you too. To appreciate the you that you are.

You have a light. A brilliant, beautiful light, and fighting them will make that light darken because you’ll find yourself trying to get to their level to beat them at their game. The desire to expose them and get them punished and/or ruined can consume you. That does nothing but change you into one of them. You should not be anything like them. Sure, you can tell yourself you’re just getting justice and helping other people out there. However, in the end, you are slowly getting consumed with this battle and neglecting your needs.

You are an injured soldier in this fight and you need to heal your wounds.

I’m not saying let this person go on to continue doing what they do. I’m saying something even better. God will fight your battle, God will fight every wrong that he did to you, His child. He will fight every hurt that they caused you, His child. He will fight every time they tried to take advantage of or put over you, His child. You are His child and as your heavenly father, He will fight your battle. And while he fights your battle, you protect and heal yourself. You are what’s important right now. Don’t send yourself into a battle injured. You cannot think straight or do anything straight. Work on healing that light and bring it back to its original shine. Because the best revenge you can ever do is shine brighter than you ever did before they met you. That involves healing, growing, learning, and moving forward towards that purpose that God has for you in your life. You will get to the point where you look back and be glad that you turned this pain that you feeling into a purpose to help others. That is the best feeling ever.

In the Bible, God says he will fight your battles multiple times to multiple people. Whether he’s fighting the battles through them or for them, he will always fight your battles. So please take this battle and place it in His capable hands and sit down and breathe and rest and begin to work on, bringing love/light back into your heart and into your life. You are never too far gone to be healed. It’s never too late to begin again. He has you and will surround you with love. Focus on that and leave the battle to Him. He will do a way better job than we could ever imagine doing ourselves. He loves you with an everlasting love that no human can begin to fathom. 

This message is for you out of that love. He wants what is best for you. I love you, I see you, I am here for you, God says. Rest under my rock and I will protect you and fight for you. You will soon rise like the phoenix that you were made to be. Cling to me in your healing journey as I continue to guide you. I will never ever leave you. 

I pray God’s love and comfort to work in your life right now. Amen. 

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