A Graceful Path

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Letting Go

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.”- Hermann Hess

A Journey of Healing and Trust

One of the scariest things I ever had to do was to let go. Whenever we are afraid, unsure or anxious we hold on tight. We hold on to whatever gives us comfort. We hold on tight to control. We hold on tight in order to feel safe again. Learning to let go can be a powerful act of trust and surrender to God. Letting go doesn't mean giving up; it means releasing control and allowing God to work in our lives. It is a journey of healing, growth, and deepening our faith in Him.

The Struggle of Holding On

Many of us find it difficult to let go of past hurts, regrets, and disappointments. However, I learned that trusting in God with a prized possession was another act of letting go that I never considered. When it came to co-parenting my son, it was a very difficult journey. I didn’t view his father as a safe place for him due to my experiences with him. The fear of the unknown and the desire to control outcomes often lead us to clutch onto things that are beyond our control.

The Power of Surrender

Surrendering to God is a transformative act that requires faith, courage, and humility. It is an acknowledgment that we are not in control, but God is. Letting go with God is an invitation to trust His plans, His timing, and His goodness. It is a declaration that His ways are higher than ours, and His love is unfailing.

Finding Healing through Letting Go

Releasing my burdens, pains, and struggles into God's hands, opened me up to His healing power. I leaned on Him more and with my new open hands policy, not only was I releasing my pain but I was inviting His love. God invites us to cast all our anxieties on Him because He cares (loves) us (1 Peter 5:7). Letting go with God is an act of self-love as well, allowing Him to mend our brokenness, restore our souls, and bring wholeness to our lives.

Trusting in God's Faithfulness

Letting go with God is also an affirmation of our trust in His faithfulness. God promises to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Even in the midst of uncertainty and chaos, we can find peace in knowing that God is always with us, guiding us, and holding us in His loving embrace.

Embracing the Journey

Letting go with God is not a one-time event but a continuous journey of faith and surrender. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to let God work in His own time and in His own way. There were many times I felt situations got worse. But with each sad turn, God provided the strength and the grace. As we walk this path with Him, we learn to release our grip on the things of this world and hold on tightly to God's promises and presence.

Growing Closer to God

I can gladly say everything worked out for our good. As tough as it was, it caused me to deepen my relationship with Him. We learn to rely on His strength, wisdom, and grace. We discover the beauty of His love and the peace that surpasses all understanding. Letting go becomes a way of drawing closer to God, of aligning our hearts with His will, and of experiencing His abundant blessings in our lives.


Letting go with God is a profound act of faith, love, and trust. It is a journey of healing, growth, and transformation. As we release our tough situations, burdens and fears into His hands, we find peace, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. May we all have the courage to let go and let God lead us on this graceful path of healing and wholeness.

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