A Graceful Path

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Pain is Inevitable

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” -Helen Keller

You will find yourself alone. You will get heartbroken. You will be disappointed. Betrayal will find you. Sadness will try to hold on to you. Grief will try to be your friend. Loss is bound to occur. One of these or more is designed to fall into your path. Sorry, Not the encouraging words you were looking for. But unfortunately pain is inevitable. It will track us down and find us. However, I don’t say this as a moment to snap you awake to what your destiny is, because this is not your destiny. Not even a little bit. Just as pain is bound to find you, guess who already has you…God. He has a plan and a way for when it comes. The question is are you aware of it?

The minute Eve ate the apple, we were destined for death. Our whole trajectory of life was doomed. It seemed like the devil had won. Murder had entered the land and defiance and betrayal and lost, and grief, pain was all around us. But God inserted hope into our lives. It was inserted all through out the Old Testament. The hope that would come and save us. This promise carried them through. It helped win battles and conquer enemies and miracles were seen and love was shown. 

Then the promise gets here and He dies for us. On that cross everything was taken and broken when He rose again. However, we are still in this broken world. We have not left yet as Jesus did. So our battles continue. We fight against anxiety and depression and anger and so much more. We fight against insecurities and judgments and emotions. We fight for peace and love and joy. Hoping and praying that we will survive. 

The first key is in God’s word, the Bible. The truth in the scriptures remind us of who we are and whose we are. That we are conquers through Him. Finding these promises and understanding our truth will take us very far. Knowing that we were made to win through Him who loves us changes how we view the battle. So when we see that He says no matter what, everything works out for our own good, it gives us the push we need to make it through.

The second key is in what we hold on to. What truth are we going to accept? That we are weak or strong? That we will make it or lose? What we affirm in our lives is the key to our survival. Aside from our words being powerful, our mind is a car driving the words from our heart to our mouths. Be determined to hold on to faith, hope and love and the light will lead the way.

The third key is what we do next. Your actions are a catapult to the reaction. You may be determined to fight, but will you pick up that rock like David did and throw it at your enemy? He knew he could fight from his shepherd days. He knew God was always on his side. However, his life was changed forever once he acted on it. He took his knowledge and wisdom and faith and ran with it. We need to do the same. 

Pain may be inevitable but our destiny to overcome is as well.

Hold on to these keys. I call them keys because a key gives you access to the next room. Your next season is around the corner. It will come. The pain will not last forever. Whether you are in a season of pain now or peace, there is no need for fear. Place your trust in God. He will not let you down.

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