A Graceful Path

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To Those Who Want to Give Up

I get it. I absolutely get it. It’s become too hard. Because of this, I have decided to sit down. I don’t wanna run anymore. I don’t want to fight. I don’t even want to walk anymore. I will just sit here and be still. Nothing happens to you when you’re sitting still. There’s no tripping involved, no falling downstairs. No getting hit. When you are still, you’re not moving. And when you’re not moving, you’re not a threat. You just sit still and exist in the air around you. Not even the wind cares. Therefore, nothing comes against you. Nothing comes for you because you are existing in one place alone in a space where no one cares about you. In your chair just sitting.

What brought me to this moment you ask? Life. Life got too hard. I fell down too many times and I had to keep getting up. I had to keep fighting. I had to keep running. I had to keep pushing, and I had to keep going. But you know what? Now that I’m down here I think I’ll stay here. I think I’m going to like it here. Why do we have to get up again? Why do people always encourage us to get up and fight again? What is wrong with not fighting? What if we just fall and lay there and don’t move? It just means the fight is over right? So I don’t have to fight anymore. I don’t have to move anymore so I will no longer be tired. I will stay here and rest.

Besides, the Bible says God will fight our battles so I will lay here and look at the sky and watch everything else move around me. Because frankly, I am tired and I just want to sit. I should’ve called this ode to the tired because we do exist out there. We are tired of fighting. We’re tired of running. We’re tired of pushing and we don’t even wanna be strong anymore. I want to be weak, that's right I said it. I want to be weak and not have any more battles come for me. I want to be weak and not have anyone look for me. I want to be weak and not have any troubles come my way. Because the weak don’t have to fight. They get pushed to the back of the battle. It’s the strong that have to lead.

So why are be strong when the weak have a good gig going on for them.

So sign me up! I’m laying down my sword and grabbing a pillow. It is time to chill. This is my new career. My new life plan. Sitting here and watching everyone else do it, and I feel no shame in it either. Why would I be ashamed? I’ve done my share of fighting. I’ve done my share of running. I’ve got enough battles under my belt, so I am good here. I have decided to retire. That’s right! I am retiring from life‘s battles and going to settle on the island of sitting. So I wish you all the best with all of your battles and all of your trials. This is my new life. You know where to find me because I will not be moving. I will be in the same place you leave me.

Now for my thank you speech. I would like to thank God first and foremost for helping me get through everything. I would like to thank my mom for teaching me everything I know. I'd like to thank my kids for all of their support. I like to think of my friends and my family for always being there. I can tell you now that it is no longer needed because I have retired and going to be sitting. No applause is needed. The only thing I will be doing is eating, drinking and treating myself to an occasional movie, massage or ice cream. If you ever feel the desire to sit down next to me, you are more than welcome to, but do not stay. Because nothing will be accomplished here. There will be no soaring or climbing or conquering. I hope you are ready for it.

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