A Graceful Path

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What Season Are You In?

“Be sure to embrace whatever stage or season of life you are in. Remember: God wastes nothing.” - Unknown

Every season we enter in life is important for the next. When God made the earth, He planned what He would do each day and it added value but also prepared for the next day. Creating light that first day added value to the world but also prepared it for the next step of separating the water. When we read how God purposely and creatively created the world, it gives us a peak into understanding how things in our lives are purposely and creatively planned. There is not one moment God does something by accident. Knowing and understanding our season can help us benefit immensely as we prepare for the next chapter coming into our lives. For example, just getting through a hard season is not the purpose. Understanding why we are there and how we got there can help us figure out a way out. I have categorized the different seasons into four types.


The purpose of this season is for us to grow in character and strength. It makes us rethink how we do things and the motives behind our actions. It makes you wonder how you can adapt and change for the better. It pushes you to a point you never thought you could go. It gets you to do things you never thought you could. Your growing season is a very tough season. There are times you think, maybe you are being punished or have been forgotten. But in actuality you are being turned into a diamond by the fire that is rubbing up against you. The discomfort is refining you. How long it lasts depends on what we need to learn. Understanding we are in the GROW season is one thing. However, here is what extends a season that is meant to have a certain time limit.

  1. Being afraid to move forward. Even though some may require an extended period of time, we can still cause the delay by being too scared to take that step forward. It will not end you. You can make it through. You have got this. You are not fighting alone. There is One bigger and faster and better right by your side. He told Joshua (Joshua 1:9) over and over to not be afraid and the same goes for you.

  2. Getting comfortable in our discomfort. Sometimes we can settle in our sadness or hurt and hold on to it like it belongs to us. Don’t do that, my dear. Joy is your portion. It is something that is attainable for you. It can happen. Don’t settle in the thoughts that it will never happen for you. It absolutely will. A season is meant to be just that. A season. Ecclesiastics 3 says there is a time for everything under the sun.


The purpose of this season is to gain knowledge in an area or more. For example, going through a rough time financially can teach you some skills to get through on a dime. We also learn a lot from our mistakes and missed steps. After a failure, it can hurt deeply but we can also take notes on what didn’t work and what did work. This too can be a hurting season. However there are some things we should take note of in this season.

  1. Failing to learn can bring you back to this season over and over again. It can also keep you stuck. It is hard to move forward financially if you still can’t figure out how to budget. You will forever stay broke. It can also becomes a vicious cycle when you don’t see how your love for bad boys keeps ending up badly. It is wise to always make sure you take the time to learn and understand the what, why and how come.

  2. There is a reason God gives wisdom freely and happily. Staying stuck in one place or in a vicious cycle is the last place He wants us to be. So while in the season of KNOW, God supplies us with doors to get out. Hosea 4:6 says “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge…” We are sent into this season to learn but we are not sent alone or without any resources. Don’t ever hesitate to ask, or seek counsel and make sure to read the Bible which is full of gem and promises.


This season is our turnaround season. We have passed go and collected two hundred. We grew and learned and now we can avoid those mistakes, share our lessons and also pour into others. Knowledge is not meant to be kept to yourself. It is like finding treasure and hiding it in the ground to never be used or shared. There are three things I want you to remember in this season.

  1. You did that. You survived and it wasn’t an accident. You didn’t trip and fall out of that abusive relationship. You didn’t get lost and happen to stumble on the way out of debt. You did what was necessary and got free with God’s grace. Don’t give all of your credit away. You played a part and you did it well.

  2. You have something to give. You can pull someone else up behind you. A friend, coworker, child etc. Just as they told you while going through this rough period that you are not alone, there are those who you left behind and can now bring out with what you have learned. Add more to your victorious army.

  3. You are amazing. Do not be ashamed of what you went through or hide any of it. Your weakness is what makes you strong. It is where God shines. It is what helps others relate to you. Being perfect is not the goal. It will never be attained. But being a warrior is who you are. That is why you are amazing.


This now brings us to your glowing season. You get here when you look back and understand what your story was about. What everything was leading you to. To a place where you a functioning on another level. You have forgiveness. You have patience. You have love. However, you still know that you continue to be a work in progress. There will be more peaks and valleys ahead of you. But right now you are reaping what you have sowed. You are seeing what you prayed for. You are living in your hope and/or dream. Enjoy your glowing season for what it is. Something you deserve. Something you worked hard for, waited forever for, lived every moment crying for. You are glowing, so glow to your fullness. Don’t be afraid to enjoy it, embrace it or revel in it. God always wanted you to have good things. That was the purpose you were originally created for. All before sin entered into this world. So in order to fully embrace it:

  1. Stop looking back. Don’t be like Lot’s wife. You are here. Enjoy this moment. Don’t let anything pull you away from here.

  2. Stop looking forward. Don’t begin to worry about the what ifs. Tomorrow is not promised to us. So enjoy the present.

  3. Keep looking up. God wants to keep leading you and guiding you. Let Him. Connecting yourself to the original source will give you the power that you need to keep shining and glowing.

So what season are you in? Whichever one, it has purpose and is preparing you. Don’t try to rush through any of these seasons or prolong it. Understand it for what it is and know that all things work for the good of those who love Him. Keep His word close, worship Him when it gets hard and when it gets good. Pour into yourself as much as you pour into others. And never ever get disconnected from God. He is the light that will show you the way.

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