Forget Me Not

“I will not forget you. I have carved you on the palm of my hand.” - Isaiah 49:15b-16a

I am the forgetful type. I create to-do lists for the day then I have a list to remind me to check my to-do list. It carries through into life. The minute I get on a plane, I remind myself that the pilot knows what he’s doing. When I drop my kids off, I remind myself they have amazing caregivers. When I go across a bridge, I remind myself it has had visitors before and it will be okay. But one hitch in my life and I’m asking God to remember me. To not forget to take care of His child. This is how I know God is a patient God. I would have smite myself a long time ago. How can the One with the perfect memory and amazing track record that has shown miracle after miracle, and created me to begin with, suddenly forget I exist.

Yet somehow it is something I go through and I’m working on changing. This is for the others who are like me. You need constant reminders from God that He does see you. It’s not the best method and that’s why we need to change. As a mom, I don’t want to have to constantly remind my children that I will feed them, or that I will buy the clothes that they need, or that I can drive them to school. How much more God our Father. “Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.” (Luke‬ 12‬:‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬) God sees our needs before we even know we need them. Like way before. As in, you were born and He already knew how you were gonna need that extra set of heels on your wedding day due to an unfortunate mishap. As we could never forget our children, God could never forget we exist.

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! (Isaiah 49:15)

Whatever situation you are dealing with right now, God is in control. He is with you and is never leaving. Don’t think He has favorites either when it comes to His children. He took His time to make every single one of us, no matter the circumstances of how we got here. He has love for us. He has plans for us. He has hope for us. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬). It’s good to immerse yourself in His word. All of our reminders are in there. It’s also one of the many ways God talks to you. He also talks to us through others around us, or even a sermon or random strangers. I have had multiple reminders on multiple occasions through different sources. Yet, the next trial will come and we are back to square one. 

So how can we find a better way to remember God has us and not forget? Keep a journal of his miracles. Seeing how God has you will remind you of how He has come through and that He always does. Some miracles will even be similar to exactly what you’re going through right now. The bible is God’s love professed to you. Your journal is God’s love in action in your life. So start as soon as you can and keep it in a safe place. God will gently remind you again and again and again. His patience is incredible. Forgetting you is not an option to Him. Let’s not make it an option to us.


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