
“Be patient. Just like a puzzle it takes time for all the pieces of your life to come together.” - Unknown

Imagine we are puzzles. We have pieces of ourselves and God is weaving it all together. Our bad pieces. Good pieces. Broken pieces. Glowing pieces. To make a purposeful you. Your regrets are part of this puzzle. Your upbringing is part of this puzzle. Your relationships are part of this puzzle. Your experiences are all part of this big puzzle. As awkwardly shaped these pieces are, there would not be a full photo without it. What I am trying to say is that there are seasons of our lives that seem pointless and insignificant but they truly do have significance to your purpose.

Slumdog Millionaire is the amazing movie of a poor boy who is born and grew up in the slums of India. He has a very hard life with various struggles as he gets older. Each struggle is different and takes him on quite a journey. However it all leads to the biggest moment of his life. He gets a chance to be on the show Who Wants to be a Millionaire.. All those hard questions he faces in the show end up being easy to him because of each experience he encountered with in his past. Right down to the very last question. I hope I am not spoiling it for someone. I found it to be a good movie and encourage you to watch if you have not already seen it

Each piece of his past was very important. The hard and the easy. They seemed to come together guiding him in each question. It astonished people because they could not picture him having even a clue what most of the answers could be. But yet he did. The life he had, had prepared him for this huge breakthrough that changed his life completely. If we had not had that struggle we would not have been strong enough to deal with the next challenge. If we had not stumbled we would not have gained wisdom to help save someone else. If we had not been in a long period of waiting, we would not have gained the patience we need to raise those kids.

God is using every piece of our lives for our benefit.

I know we can’t help but ask ‘why does life have to be challenging to begin with?’ Only God knows the full picture and reasoning. Sometimes it is shaping the beautiful character that you are becoming. A box of puzzle pieces is a mess. It takes time and a process to get each piece together where it belongs giving us a beautiful picture in the end. It will all be worth it then. Thankfully God is a master at creating beauty and putting things together. We just need to be patient and keep the focus as our story unfolds. Just keep reminding yourself that it has significance whenever you feel yourself getting weary or wondering. From the meaningless to the major, Keep your trust in God


A Blessing and a Curse


In Spite Of…