In Spite Of…

“She remembered who she was and the game changed” - Lalah Deliah

Looking back on your life can you recall all the challenges you have had to fight? Moments that almost broke you? Times you didn’t think you could make it? Yet in spite of all of that you are alive. In spite of everything you survived. That makes you freaking amazing!! You stared pain in the face and kept going. You didn’t give up or run away or hide. You pushed forward. You got out of bed. You took one step…then another. 

These challenges and trials come into our lives to test us and strengthen us. They don’t slip by God and get to us, surprising him. Ha!  Not at all. Satan had to ask God for permission to get to Job. God is aware of every moment happening. He’s with you through it and carrying you while in it. He’s crying with you, believing in you and cheering you on because he knew you could do it! It’s already been inside you the entire time. Now here you are on the other side in spite of it all. 

Maybe it’s year 6 of the struggle and there’s still no end in sight. The journey has been long and hard. You didn’t know if you could make it another day. You still don’t. But here you are. You have survived this far!

In spite of the hardship you are still here.

You are still trying to move forward. You are still not giving up hope and pushing and fighting and giving it your all. That is truly amazing! It’s no easy feat. However, don’t give up now. Don’t lose hope. God is still with you. He still has your back. Your freedom will come. I know it’s been hard and you’re tired. Why did it have to last this long to begin with? Only God knows. Thankfully nothing lasts forever. This too shall end. In spite of it trying to hold on to you, God will pull you out. 

As you get out of trials and new ones begin, keep looking to the future with hope. Know that you will get through them as well. In spite of how fast and fierce they come, you will make it. In spite of how high and hard they seem you can fight it. In spite of how trying and terrible they are you will survive. Because God is with you. This battle is not yours but His and He always wins! 

I hope it helps knowing that (1) you are not alone in this and (2) in spite of how bad it looks right now; in spite of how helpless you feel; in spite of how exhausting it is you will make it. It will be over. Remember the past trials that could not hold you down and use it as fuel to propel you forward. That mean teacher that said you would never make it. That ex who called you ugly and useless. That boss that would yell at you every chance they got. In spite of that, look at the amazing person you are and smile. And yes, you are amazing!




Worst Case Scenario