Remember Whose You Are

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

There are two amazing gifts of knowledge that will take you far. Knowing who you are as a person and knowing whose you are. If there ever was a time that this is important, now is that time. Knowing who you are, gives you the power to know what you’re capable of. Knowing whose you are gives you the power to know what He is capable of.

Any obstacle that may come your way, knowing who you are, will give you the ability to know your limit. Knowing who He is gives you the ability to know that God has no limits. And that’s what is amazing. There is no wall or blockage or fall that can stop him from doing what he does. That’s how amazing God is. So that obstacle that you’re looking at that is too high, all you need to do is step aside and understand that God has it. There’s nothing that we face that He cannot break down. If He can part the Red Sea for Moses, He can do it for you. If He can take Jonah out of a whale even though he was running away, He can do it for you. If He can take a shepherd's boy and make him king imagine what he can do for you. 

1. We need to understand this in our heart.

In our heart, our emotions will try to fight this knowledge. Fear will tell us we can’t do it. But knowing who we are, we will say we can. Knowing whose we are, we will know He can. Anger will try to make you fight a fight that’s not yours. Knowing who you are, you will stop at the point that you know you can’t keep fighting. Because we do have a limit. But knowing whose we are, we can comfortably step back because we know He fights our battles. When we are sad or feeling lost or helpless, our feelings will tell us that we can’t go on any longer. Knowing who we are, we might be inclined to agree. But knowing whose we are, we will know that’s okay because someone will go on for us. That someone is God.

2. We need to understand this in our minds.

Our thoughts can be very dangerous to us. They are the ones that are telling us the things we cannot do. They are the ones beating us down. We should use the knowledge of who we are and whose we are to fight them. Knowing who we are, we can tell the thoughts that we are smart, that we are pretty, that we are able to do what we need to do. Knowing whose we are, we can tell the thoughts that He will get us there no matter what. God created us and loves us and the knowledge of everything that he wants to do for us as we build a relationship with him is incredible.

You are a child of God. You are the daughter of a king. The creator of this world made you. That is who you are and He is whose you are. You belong to Him as He is your father. So if you’re facing a battle, your father does not send someone else on His behalf. He comes to fight for you himself. “Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.”(Deuteronomy‬ ‭3:22). Take this knowledge and let’s get to your purpose. 


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There’s A Lot in Your Nothing