
A Graceful Path is the journey to healing your trauma with God as your guide. You are so precious and important to Him. Every hurt you experience and every trauma, He cares about. There’s no one better than the One who created this world to hold your heart in His hands. Let’s journey through the tough questions and the understandings. Let’s remember to love and nurture ourselves. Finally, let’s not give up and keep taking that next step to healing. You are not alone in this.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

‭‭. Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Hi, I’m Soko

As I have journeyed through different traumas in my life, God has led me on His graceful path of healing. I have found myself coming out stronger and wiser. I share what I have learned through my journey as a survivor of my country’s civil war, widowhood, divorce, and loss. I look forward to knowing and growing with you.

Healing Heart

Spiritual Growth

Loving You


Monthly Encouragement Newsletter

Featured Product

My Affirmations Journal: Skin Deep Edition focuses on our connection to our body. It takes you on a journey to appreciating the wonder that it is. With affirmations, journal prompts and a devotion, every part of this journal is to encourage you to pour love into your body no matter what.

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What is Your Story
Loving You Soko Thompson Loving You Soko Thompson

What is Your Story

What story are you telling yourself or others? If your story is holding you back it’s time to change it. The power lies in your hands or should I say mind.

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Some scars are created to make you better. It creates two major changes in you. Read on to find out what they are.

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True Beauty
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True Beauty

For the day you don’t feel it, or feel like you never had it. Here is a reminder of how beautiful you are and always have been. However, there is a secret to absolute true beauty.

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Accept Your Story
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Accept Your Story

No story is perfect. You may be in the part of your story wondering where the happy ending is. Imperfections and all your story needs to be accepted for your next step.

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He Loved Us First
Loving You Soko Thompson Loving You Soko Thompson

He Loved Us First

They say a love between a mother and her child is powerful. It is a bond that is developed as two hearts beat as one. But there is a love more powerful. One that makes it possible for us to love.

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You Survived
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You Survived

There are moments in your life you overcame. Things that could have been the end of you, but you got this far. There’s a reason you survived.

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Get To Know You
Loving You Soko Thompson Loving You Soko Thompson

Get To Know You

Sometimes we underestimate the importance of knowing who we are. I was told once that it’s very important to know who you are because then no one can tell you who you are.

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Loving You Soko Thompson Loving You Soko Thompson


Be generous in everything. However, also be open to receiving as well. It fuels you up to give more and allows other givers to receive their blessings too.

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Your Response
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Your Response

Your response is very important. We are faced with many situations and people who try to invoke a reaction out of us. But when we react, we put the control in their hands.

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