Purpose Killers

“As God reveals your assignment in life, it will surface your insecurities.” - Steven Furtick

As I began the journey to my purpose, there were a lot of things I was afraid of and doubted. Could I say that? Am I pretty enough? Do I know what I am doing? Each step that we take forward can come with doubt and apprehension. However, what can be worse is the doubt that can attack us before we even begin. I was plagued with doubt in a big way and want to share some statements that can pop up with the mission of ending our journey to our purpose before it has even begun.

1. Someone else is already doing it

When the idea for a blog had popped in my head but this statement was following right behind it. Everyone has a blog. Right? There’s someone already running that business or selling that item, or redecorating their house. What difference could I possibly make with everyone doing the same thing. Just because everyone else is doing it does not mean you can’t. Join in on the fun! A party planner being up the street doesn’t mean you can’t be one too. There is an audience somewhere for everyone. Resources will always be needed by someone at all times.

2. No one will care what I have to contribute

You are unique and as a result will contribute a unique set of skills. Five hairdressers don’t all do the exact same things in the exact same way. You will have your own way and style and that is because of you. Your background, your life, your talents, your personality, all of these things equal you and no one else has the exact same formula. In relation to this, everyone out there will also have a different preference and desire, making your gift precious.

3. I don’t have the resources

There is a famous saying. Where God guides, He provides. If He gave you this gift He has a plan in mind. If He has a plan in mind, He has a time, a place, and guess what, the resources. You don’t have to worry about any of it. What you do need to do, however, is talk to the One with the plan so He can guide and lead you, so you know what your next step is. Sometimes, He is already screaming out our next step and we don’t see it because of our fear and/or doubt. Pause and wait on Him and it will be revealed.

4. I don’t know what I am doing

This is one I still deal with today. Sadly, it can continue in its purpose to make you give up as you start your journey. Every step of the way, every wall you hit, every bump that gets you. Let’s show our mission to succeed is stronger because of who we have on our side. You may not know what you are doing but the one who created you does. He will send the right people to connect with you at the right time. The right teacher to show you how to get to the next step. The right partner to encourage you when you are lost or tired. 

Thankfully, this is not a journey you have to take alone. He designed you and is ready to push you into that dream that He placed in your heart. Yes, He did that. So of course He has a plan for it to come true. So when you find yourself hesitating as to when do I start? The answer is simple. Now! 


But What If…


The Ugly Bucket