The End

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.” - Semisonic 

I have a hard time saying goodbye. The thought of something ending just sounds sad to me. The last bite to that delicious desert. The final day of a vacation. The ending of a good relationship. It all makes me sad, wishing I could extend it just for a bit longer. Do you ever feel like this? It’s a change that can be scary and that uncertainty can make it still tough to walk away from. Why? Because at one point you were flowing together. You were on the same page and it seemed like it would last forever. Nothing and no one could match you two. Then one day something felt different. It wasn’t a huge difference. It was like a thread suddenly starting to unravel. You see it and say you’ll fix it later. However, it either gets yanked out suddenly or just pulled out slowly until it’s just a big mess of thread everywhere. You have no idea what happened or how you got here. All you know is that this amazing relationship seems to be ending and you don’t know why. No matter how much we try to reknit the sweater it’s not working. The very thing you feared and hoped would never come is here. It’s ending. 

If you find yourself here in life with a friendship or romantic relationship let out a big sigh. You have tried your best to keep it going but nothing you do is working. You have prayed and cried and talked it out and tried to pinpoint what the real problem is and maybe you have figured it out. Maybe you haven’t. Either way it’s time to let go. This does not apply to marriage. I can’t stress that enough. I am referring more to the other relationships in our lives. We hear about how there is a season for everything. Just like I deal with weather seasons, I am never ready when winter arrives and to me the end is like winter. Things are frozen and bleak and die in the cold. There’s nothing you can do to rush winter through or bring back Autumn. It is what it is.

We have to understand that God is at work and things are changing.

It does not necessarily mean it’s someone’s fault, or someone changed in a bad way. It could just mean you’ve reached a fork in the road and your paths now separate. ‘The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”’ (Psalm 32:8 NLT) Remember, God knows where both of you are headed.

Separating is not always easy because we got comfortable in something and had fun and made memories but now it needs to change. We don’t go into relationships planning the end so it’s not surprising that it’s tough to handle. So instead of sprinting behind them to their side of the fork screaming their name at the top of your lungs, ask God for wisdom. Ask Him what you’re supposed to do next. He will guide you. Pour out your heart to Him about how it makes you feel. He will comfort you. Ask for strength and peace. during this time. He will give it to you. He’s there to help us ease into this new change. Just like the weather slowly eases us into the next season. He already has things planned for both of you in the seasons that follow. Trust and let go. It was a beautiful story. Now allow the next one to begin.


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