Don’t Look at Him, Look at ME

You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one - Unknown

Don’t look at him, look at me. This was the phrase I would hear God say to me in my hurt after my heart was broken. I couldn’t stop focusing on the negative. I would replay the painful memories over and over in my head. I would wonder and ask questions. Mainly why? Then it was others. Was I not good enough? Did I not try hard enough? Maybe I should have done things differently. Analyzing and pondering. It was hard to let go. I was stuck. It’s not like they stopped there. Then it was, what is he doing now? What is he thinking about? Did he have any regrets? Was he pondering on the same things I am? It was definitely a rabbit hole of its own. A dangerous one. However, in order to move forward one cannot only look back. 

God was urging me to stop focusing on the past. How was I ever going to heal if I replayed the pain? I was playing with the wound and causing it to scab instead. How was I ever going to grow if I stayed there trying to solve the past? God who created light was ready to put that light back into me. But I was not looking at the right source in order to receive it. Where you put your energy is very important. We have limited energy throughout the day as it is. Why waste it on something that gets you nowhere and keeps you in the dark.

Investing that energy into yourself is much more useful. 

 I know he hurt you. He broke your heart. He caused you pain. So much pain. Now all you can think of is how much it hurts. How much you wish it could stop. How much you wish they would pay for what they did to you. But what you don’t realize is that it has been months, years and all you are doing is still looking at them. That’s where this message comes into play. Don’t look at them, look at Me. Don’t look at that person that hurt you and follow their every move. Don’t wonder about what they are doing or worry about what they might do. Don’t think about what they might be thinking or of their opinions about you. 

 Look at God. Look at what you have accomplished so far. Look at where you want to be in 5 years. Look at things that bring you joy. Things that are leading you on that healing journey. Look at the person who is slowly becoming whole again. You. As I began to keep my focus on God, it made my path clearer. I could finally see what steps I needed to start healing. I could see what potential I still had because my mind was now focused on God and who He loves. Me. I had things to do. I had a purpose to fulfill. I had joy and peace now starting to fill my heart. Because I was no longer keeping my eyes focused on the pain or the cause of pain. My energy was finally going into the right source. It gave me renewed strength.

This won’t be automatic. It will be a process, a journey. One that as time goes by you will suddenly realize the changes taking place in your life. If you start to feel yourself get lost again, remind yourself who to look at immediately. In the same way that affirmations remind us of who we are and what we are capable of. Let’s remind ourselves where to put our focus as well. The past is the past. You have a bright future ahead of you. Let’s get ready for it!


Overthinking Is Not Your Friend


Intentional Happiness