He Gets It

“Whatever your burden is, you will find the strength you need in Christ.” - Howard W. Hunter

Best friends are amazing. They are great because they get us. They understand our low, high and angry moments. They understand how to sooth us and cheer us up. But you know who also gets us? Jesus. Jesus absolutely gets you. His father created you and he knows you best. I’m going to throw out some examples of things that we could be going through to show you how much Jesus absolutely gets it. I’m doing this because I want to show you that you can go to him no matter how you’re feeling about anything. He gets it.

Loss. When we experience loss, it hurts us to the core but you know who also experienced loss? Jesus more than once. He lost John the Baptist. That was a sad moment for him. The person who baptized him, the person who saw who he really was from the moment he became the Messiah, and stepped in his path and purpose. The one who paved the way for him. Unfortunately, he lost John suddenly to a terrible death. He also lost his best friend Lazarus, the one whom he loved. Now, we know Jesus knew that Lazarus was not gonna stay gone, but I would like to think that in the same way, when we lose someone, we know that it’s not forever. Jesus fully understands what it’s like to lose someone close to him.

Betrayal. Jesus understands being betrayed. One of his own disciples that he had faithfully taught and spent everyday with betrayed him. Clearly stabbed him in the back for money. Judas sold Jesus out, and Jesus even knew it was coming. And yet. he continued on his purpose, knowing full well, what was going to happen, and how it was going to happen.

Heartbreak. I can tell you, Jesus was heartbroken plenty of times. He wept. He could feel the pain of every sick person that came to him or every person that was hurting. Jesus felt their heart as well. One big heartbreak was Peter his apostle. Peter denied him three times after they spent so much time together accomplishing so many things. As Jesus was in his low moment his best friend says he doesn’t know who he is. How awful!

Lonely. Jesus had moments he felt alone. His own town of Bethlehem would not accept him. We barely read anything about his siblings accepting him or even joining him on his path. That night on the mountain when he prayed and was bleeding tears from his eyes, because of what he was about to do yet, he couldn’t share it with anyone because when he told them they either were in denial, or didn’t want it to happen. It’s sad to think they were asleep when he came down from his prayers up on that mountain. No matter how many times he tried to keep them awake. So Jesus was alone in facing his ending.

Pain I don’t mean just the pain on the inside that we feel emotionally but also the pain physically. Jesus absolutely felt pain. His crucifixion involved a huge amount of pain. He had thorns on his head. He was beaten multiple times he was forced to carry a heavy cross while in pain. He was insulted and bullied and talked about. Jesus fully understood a deep amount of pain until his last breath. So trust me, he will understand your pain.

Whatever you’re going through right now trust me he gets it. He understands how you’re feeling and he wants to ease your pain. That’s why he says cast your burdens upon me and I will lighten your load. Jesus wants you to feel peace, he died for us because he loved us, and was willing to sacrifice himself for our sins that we could be clean again. So please, take him up on his offer.


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