Wishing you a Happy “Bad-Day”

“Sometimes you need those bad days, because it helps you appreciate the good ones.” - Unknown

How’s your day? Is it terrible? Does it suck? Do you hate it as much as Brussels sprouts? Yeah. Those days are the worst. The random “stuff is going wrong”, “bad things are happening'' kind of day. You can’t wait till the sun sets so you can get a do over. Getting through it is the challenge. Say you are in the middle of one of these days. Do you feel the need to sink into despair? To give up and hide. Curling up in a ball sounds good. However, here’s what I’m thinking. Shout “Ugh!!” and continue reading. So, your heart feels like it’s being stomped on; you feel like an absolute failure; you just can’t even right now.  

Forget that and go embrace it. That’s right! The day sucks so you’re making a cake and blowing out the candles. You’re playing music and throwing yourself a dance party Greys Anatomy style. Either by yourself, with your best friend or hubby or kids. Whoever is near will do. Go out and treat yourself. Whatever it is that you like.

We are celebrating this terrible day!

Thankfully it will end but why continue suffering through it. Let’s go! Run like you’ve lost it! Go to the trampoline park. If it’s raining on your sad day don’t play into the sadness of the day crying with you. Go play in it! Get wet. Sing. Do a scene from the movie Singing in the Rain. Just don’t slip and hurt yourself. They are trained professionals.

I’ve got one for every season. Winter. Build a snow fort and destroy it! Channel into your rage if you have any.  Spring. Paint a picture of beautiful flowers. Or throw paint at it. Do both! Summer. Water ball fight. If there’s no one to do it with, throw it at that painting again. Fall. Leaf pile anyone? Feel free to be creative. I’ve invented games and taken my kids into the backyard with a racket each and a soccer ball. It’s fun with others but it can also still be fun by yourself. You can go low key. Grab your favorite snacks and pick a great show or movie. Give yourself a bubble bath with your favorite scent of bubbles.  Pay for a massage and some pampering. You can also go hardcore and smash things safely either at home or at a center for smashing things. Go rock climbing, bungee jumping, whatever you choose.

Hanging on to your sadness in the moment is not a terrible thing. These are just options for another way to go about it. Celebrating bad days sounds crazy I know. But I bet throwing a party with friends to end that bad day gets your mind off of it and cheers you up some. So, what’s the harm in trying? It’s not your birthday but your “bad-day” so tell people when they ask what you’re celebrating. Make sure to get your favorite dessert. Don’t skimp or settle. It’s the perfect day to go big! What are you going to lose anyway? It already sucks! Have fun ;)


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