Let’s Mend That Broken Heart

Tear your heart out of your chest. And hand it to God. There is no other healing. I swear, there is no other healing. - Yasmin Mogahed

Healing after a broken relationship is not only for your sake but for the sake of others around you as well. Believe it or not we do have an impact on those around us. You may think you are small and insignificant but you are so much more than that. Each action and word leaves a footprint behind. So your healing isn’t just depending on you. Your kids need you healed. Your family needs you healed. Your friends need you healed. Imagine we are tubes going around producing an outcome from our insides. I know it's weird but go with me on this. When we are not fully healed we can’t give off the oxygen required to help others breath. Carbon monoxide and other toxins get mixed in and our unhealthy pattern cause others to choke. Our actions are affected. Our hurt and pain can block our opening. We will react from a hurt place. We will make decisions from a hurt place. We will view things from a hurt place.

We are capable of hurting others from our pain. Our anger makes us lash out more. We get irritated more easily or even withdraw from everyone, Running and avoiding aren’t helpful either. You are worth feeling okay again.

You are worth having inner peace again.

You are worth knowing that everything is all right. A self reflection can help you know what still affects you and where you still need healing. If you hear a positive message and it touches your heart please don’t ignore it. It’s no accident that you heard it. It’s for you. It’s showing you the next step in your progress. Remember that it takes time. Time that is necessary. Those painful memories that pop up causing you to stop will one day be ineffective. They will just be memories.

Healing is good for our future partner as well. If we don’t want to date someone broken, why give them someone broken to date. Be the person you would like to be with. If you want them healthy and hardworking and fun, then try to be that as well. Whatever you would like to receive from the world, send it out to the world first. Another bonus is your new ability to recognize the red flags from your last relationship. You will not fall into a cycle of traumatic relationships because of that lesson, making you all the wiser on the other side. This is a great motivation to want to be whole again.

God guided me on my healing journey. Somehow, I found myself going back to locations with bad memories and making new fun ones there. I had a safe space to talk about my hurts and let it all out. I was given sage advice on how I should handle everything. Decluttering was also healing with getting rid of all past memories. I never realized how cleansing it is until my dear friend Stephanie had mentioned it on her Instagram page frugalist_steph. Being surrounded by loved ones helps remind you of real love again. Like a fresh bandage on the wound. It keeps the light going, forcing the dark that tries to sneak into our hearts out. Trust God on that journey. He will lead you to the places that need to be fixed. It won’t be easy, but you are already a survivor for coming this far! Finally, when you get to a point where you feel strong enough, please help others learn what you did. We will keep the baton of healing rolling on through this world.


Don’t Punish Yourself


Are You Sure God?