Share Your Story

“There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou

Life can be like a video game sometimes. Call me crazy but think about it with me. Trials are the challenges we need to solve before we get to the next level. Sometimes challenges get harder the older (higher level) you become. Once you have completed a challenge, you grab your prize (knowledge) and you move on to the next level. As with trials, we can get stuck on a level for a while. You are the player in the game, making you the main character of the story. Who better than you to tell how everything happened. There are many reasons for sharing with others the story of overcoming and beating these challenges aside from becoming an amazing story teller that could possibly go down in history,

Others can benefit greatly from learning how you got to where you are now. Imagine someone else is playing the game but they can’t pass a level. You have the gold coins in your hand and can easily guide them. All you have to do is share your story of how you did it. Guiding someone through a tough parenting problem or job challenge or life block is a huge blessing to the other person. It’s an amazing act of love looking into making someone as free as you are. You have the skills they wish to attain. Maybe it’s a case of being the only one with empathy for their situation because you know what it’s like to go through what they are going through. There’s no one else better to guide them than you. 

It has been said that the final step of healing from trauma is sharing your story.

As you share your story with someone you trust it gets easier each time. You’re processing the events that occurred. You no longer feel alone in your journey. The person listening now shares in the moment with you. You are also releasing the negative emotions and stresses in you as your story comes out. As long as you are being open and vulnerable and willing to go deep. When I started telling my story it would hurt and I would cry and need some days to recover. But slowly it was all being released. The day comes where you are able to tell your story and feel fine. Then you know you are stronger and you got your power back. 

A legacy is being passed down when you share your story with your kids, nieces or nephews. Think of all the amazing stories you hear about the history of your family. It all happened with storytelling, but it started with them just living a life. You will be your family’s history one day. Don’t doubt that you’re living a spectacular life. For one thing you were alive when Coronavirus appeared and infected millions. That’s just one example. You are creating memories and learning lessons. In fact, you are still adding to your story today. You are leaving something the generations after you can learn from or be proud of and will continue to pass on. 

Your story has the power to change someone’s life today or many years from now. In the same way you hear someone else’s story and are moved the same goes for yours. No story is too plain or too boring. Don’t belittle your story or take its power away. Every single story is important and needed. Whether it touches one life or many. Every single one. 


What Do You See?


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