Thank You Letter

Give thanks to those who have done you wrong. They’ve unknowingly made you strong. - Unknown

Have you ever thought of writing a thank you letter to the one who couldn’t break you? The one who tried but couldn’t. The one who thought they had you by your throat but you still broke free. The one who gave you their worst but couldn’t stop your best. A thank you letter you ask? Yes. Not a hateful letter but a thank you. Because if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t be where you are right now. You wouldn’t be who you are right now. You wouldn’t have had to push so hard you became a butterfly. 

A thank you letter helps put you in the right mind of what you achieved. It helps you focus on the positive of the moment and not the negative. It helps you see the good in the situation that could be perceived as failure. But it isn’t failure. They hurt your past but your future is bright. As far as we are concerned they can keep your past. So thank them. They tried to show your weaknesses but your strength shone through. So thank them. They tried to end your potential but you just got that much closer. So thank them. They tried to keep you stuck but you ended up leaping into the direction God intended for you to go. So thank them. 

Joseph in the Bible says the famous line. “What you meant for evil, God meant for good.” His brothers had sold him into slavery but it led to him to a leadership position in Egypt. So instead of being mad at them. It was a thank you. People are going to be mad at your gift. They will be mad at your potential. They will mad at who you are. They will try to stop you, hurt you, break you.

But God will always turn it for your favor.

Because He is the one in charge of your story. So don’t waste too much time being mad at them. They don’t know what they are doing. Jealousy, anger, hate can all be blinding. You can't truly see well until you see with love. So forgive them and thank them. Because you are still on your way to your destiny. You are still on your way to your purpose. 

Once you have written your thank you letter I recommend you keep it. It can be a reminder any time you feel anger or hate coming up. But your other option is to throw it away and move on from the situation as a whole. It is completely up to you. I do not recommend giving it to them. It can bring up anger or drama from them. What enemy is happy to hear you thank them for helping you move forward. Plus it would not be a loving thing to do on our part. In the end, most of all, thank God. Because He is the one who rescues you. He is the one who guides you. He is the one who will be there for you always and forever. I thank him each and every day. 


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