In the Meantime

“It’s not the trials in your life that develop or destroy you, but rather your response to those hardships.” - Charles Stanley

As I write this I am currently going through a trial. When you’re in the difficult time all you want is to get out. I know I can’t wait to be done. I can’t wait until it’s all over. I wish I could fast forward to the end but I can’t. I am here and it’s now about what I need to do in the meantime. While I wait for this difficult chapter to end, what do I do?

Keep holding on. Speaking to those who like me are hoping and praying for it to be done soon. I want to remind you to keep holding on. Like that kitty in the meme hanging on the edge. Do not let go. Who we need to hang on to is God. God is our creator and the writer of our story. It’s hard to believe we have been brought to this moment. It’s tempting to get mad and turn away. Why? What’s the purpose of this? Does He no longer love us? Has He forgotten about us? God is with you in every step. He needs you to hold on to Him because He will get you out. He will save you. It’s in His promises to you in the Bible. So one way to hold on to Him is by reading His word. Highlight those promises. Ask Him what your next steps should be. Listen to Him speak to you as you read. He will give you the strength you need for the next step. He will give you the peace you need to survive the next minute. Pray to Him honestly and openly about how you feel and what you need. He knows your heart so there’s no need to be timid or afraid. He already sees what’s in there so you might as well let it out. As we go through this journey holding on to Him and depending on Him will help us get to the end. 

Understand that there’s purpose in this pain. Just as we asked earlier what is the purpose of this? We will find out as time goes by. We are not suffering just for the point of suffering. God is taking our pain and doing countless things. He could be preparing us or getting ready to bless us or pushing us to a better place or character or protecting us. I could go on. Just know that this moment is not pointless. There is a purpose in this pain. So while you are in it, look for the lessons you should be learning. Write them down so you don’t forget. Look for signs of what next step you should be taking or who you could be helping with their trial. We are not here just for ourselves but to help others as well. If there are no signs pointing to anything but just waiting then that leads to my third point. 

We need to be patient. The waiting game can be difficult. Not knowing when it will all be over can get hard. We need patience to get through it. The first two points can help us. Even if we are constantly moving and exhausted in our trial, we still need patience, understanding that even though we want that finish line to appear right now, it’s all in God’s timing. He’s in charge and we wouldn’t want it any other way. Trust me. If we were in charge we would create a huge mess. Plus while we wait we gain the spiritual characteristics that God wants for us (Galatians 5:22-23). We can work on adding more if we are able.

But I know sometimes all we can afford right now is just trying to make it to the finish line. And you will. You are not a broken model. You are beautiful and amazing and everything you need to get through this is inside of you. He has not given you more than you can handle. So if it is really, and I mean really hard, that’s how much value you have inside of you. So hang on to Him. Understand that there is purpose in this. And be patient. He has got you. He has got your back. He is completely for you. And He will not leave you. The end just got closer.


Don’t Doubt Him


Let’s Go Deeper