What’s Your Superpower?

“The “thing" that seems so easy to you is your talent, your gift. You’re certain anyone can do it but they can’t.” - Sarah Evans

When you have a gift, it comes easy to you. You don’t have to put as much effort into it as the next person because it just comes naturally. A great chef can easily slay it up in the kitchen because they love it, and it makes them feel alive. They don’t have to struggle like some of us do to make that award winning chicken. This leads to my new lesson in life. If you’re not gifted with it, don’t force it. It was not meant to be yours.

I had a dream to be a children’s author. I have been writing since I was 9 years old. It was my passion, and I would write all the time on my typewriter. That’s right. I went as far as doing it old school and had a typewriter with white out at my desk. And yes, laptops did exist, I am not that old…yet. It just felt like all the greats used typewriters. I wanted to be the youngest children’s author ever. But as years went by, I never had the opportunity to get a book written or published. That’s because I never got an idea for a book that I could execute. I would write poems and short stories and horror tales and even young adult fiction but a children’s book I could not. 

Surely something was wrong. It’s not even that many words in a children’s book. Plus, I am a writer.  It’s what I love. I love kids too, so it made perfect sense. I pictured myself writing books for my kids and then writing novels with them as they got older. It was a great plan. It made sense to me.

However, sometimes what makes sense to us is not God’s plan for us.

I envisioned one path and was trying to push for it. Spent many days sitting and thinking and having false try after false try. There comes a time when you have to give up your plan and see what God is trying to show you. 

One day a close friend of mine told me she was writing a children’s book. I thought how cool it would be if we both end up writing one at the same time. She wrote her first manuscript quickly and beautifully. I, on the other hand, wrote my first blog post on a struggle day I was having. It wasn’t what I expected but I followed it because it made me feel alive as I wrote it. More and more came after it as you can obviously tell. Months later she published her book, and it was quite the amazing accomplishment. One I had been dreaming of for years. I had two ways I could respond to this. I could either compare and be jealous or I could accept what God was showing me.

So, I became jealous. Only for a bit. Haha!  Her book is so ridiculously good! I had wanted that gift! Then I matured up and accepted reality. I was fighting for something God hadn't blessed me with and needed to continue on my journey. Peace came in with letting go of that struggle. That’s the blessing of a gift. You already have it. You don’t need to fight for it or pray hard for it. You just have it. And if you still don’t know what it is it will be revealed to you at the right time. Don’t stress about it at all. Thankfully God is in control, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. 


What Are You Trying to Prove?


I Regret Nothing