Your Village

“A little support can go a very long way in someone’s life.” - Unknown

It’s true when they say it takes a village to raise a child. The same is true for adults. Who says we stop learning and growing. We still need guidance and discipline and all sorts of help as adults. We love to think we have got it all together and under control. But something always happens to knock us off our feet. It’s not the time to think I can do it all by myself. Nor should you try to handle it alone. It may not be a physical need. Emotional needs also need help. Spiritual needs as well. This is one of those times you should call for your village. 

Who is your village? They could be family, friends, coworkers, church leaders, mentors, neighbors, your Amazon delivery person, your grocer, your mechanic, your electrician, your barber/hairstylist etc. You can have a big village or a little one. Your best friend or parents aren’t the only ones. Each village is unique to you. Your village changes as years go by. It adjusts as you adjust. Your high school teachers may not necessarily be your village when you go off to college. When you move to a new place you can add new members to your village or unfortunately take some away. As you grow and change, relationships may change as well. 

My village has changed a lot over the years. I moved a lot and I grew a lot. There were season people came in and people left. But each time I am thankful for everything each person contributed to my life. I am thankful to those who are currently my village now. They have picked me up, encouraged me, pushed me, told me to relax, made me laugh (at myself included), accepted me, understood me, given of themselves to me, and most of all they have loved me. It’s important to make sure you thank your village. Tell them or show them. However you do it, make sure it happens. Because they are a blessing. 

Having a good person in your life is not a coincidence.

The bible says it is not good for man to be alone (Gen 2:18). God made us for community. He made us to sharpen each other’s iron (Prov. 27:17). When one falls, the other is there to pick them up. They didn’t happen to trip into your life. God saw you needed that shoulder to cry on. He saw you needed that fun day out with a good friend. He saw that you needed a warm hug on a dark day. It is a blessing indeed. So thank God for them and bless them as well, because you too are part of someone else’s village.

However, if you are in a season where you can’t point out a village. There are times we don’t feel them there. Instead we feel all alone. Like there’s no one in our lives we can confide in or guide us. In those moments I want you to know that you are not alone. God has your back. He never leaves. He will provide for you till you find your village. Trust me. They are close by.


Letting Go of the Expected


It’s Inside of You