God Is Looking Ahead

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

When I was in Driver’s Ed my teacher was very strict and stern. He would rarely smile and made sure we only focused on the task. He was regarded highly by everyone because he was very good at his job. At the time I thought he was just mean because I would not get jokes and have a fun time as I would see others have with their instructors. One thing he kept stressing to me constantly was to look ahead while I drove. I would protest because I felt it was better to just look right in front of me as I drove, so I don’t run anything over. He would say very sternly, no look ahead because you need to be able to prepare for what’s coming. Soon enough, after getting my license, a bus was in the right lane going through the light that was turning red. Everyone immediately went into that lane but then I looked ahead and thought no. Once the light turns green, we will catch up to the bus and get stuck because it was still making stops along the way. I was right and I realized he was right. Then something else occurred to me. 

The same thing applies to life. We need to always look ahead to be prepared. Financially, this could save us by planning our savings for our future and budgeting right. Meal planning can save us from a stressful dinner week and money on groceries. An organizer can help us keep our documents easily organized for future needs. A planner can help an event go smoother knowing what to look for and expect. As we do these things on our own they are all done in anticipation of the future. We don’t know exactly how it will happen. So we can hope and pray and wonder. 

However, God is looking ahead and sees exactly what will happen. So as we are praying to Him about our future we have to trust that He already knows it and is steering us in the right direction. It will not always look like what we thought it would be.

Sometimes the journey will be super confusing like finding giants in our land of milk and honey but we need to trust the situation that God didn’t bring us here to die.

He is seeing something ahead that we don’t know we need in order to get to/survive the next step. Not trusting Him would cause us to take a step back from our purpose. The minute you feel fear that is not from God. He gives you power. He gives you strength. He gives you a sound mind. He equips you for every situation and need. So if you’re looking around thinking there is no way I can do this, God is saying yes you can. He has looked ahead and is taking you on the path that best gets you to where you are going with what you need to survive there. 

Trust me He is not trying to take you somewhere terrible and leave you there. He has good plans for you. Plans to prosper you. So if you feel God led you somewhere and you can’t wrap your head around it, know that it’s going to be good. Just keep taking that step forward. We don’t see ahead as much as we plan for it but God does. He’s got you!


What Are You Afraid Of

