Only The Purest of Blessings

“God is more anxious to bestow His blessings on us than we are to receive them.” - Saint Augustine

Ever received a blessing and it came with a side of disappointment. For example, you got the house you had been praying so hard for. Your blessing came through but now you find out it has a rodent problem. Or you started working at your dream job only to find out your boss is controlling and mean. These were blessings you were so excited to receive but suddenly the side of disappointment is encroaching on your joy. If you were like me, did you just think, that’s life. The only reason I got that blessing was because God wanted to bless me, however, to keep me humble I need that disappointment. Maybe you’re thinking every blessing comes this way because that’s how God designed this world or maybe you’re thinking disappointment and blessing go hand-in-hand.

Well, one day, I found something mind blowing in the Bible. I couldn’t believe that the answer was right in front of me this whole time.

”Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.“ (‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬).

God wants to give us good and perfect gifts. Perfect gifts do not come with a side of drama or trauma or pain. They are called perfect for a reason. Because there is no error to them. All He wants you to see is this amazing blessing in front of you that you can fully enjoy.

So now you’re wondering “but what about the side of disappointment? Why is that there?” Because the enemy wants to take something so good and turn it to bed. And he does so by using our weaknesses. He’s there to steal, kill and destroy. And that’s why we need the full armor of God to fight. Our thoughts will have us thinking God does not love us, and that is the devil trying to steal our birthright. Our emotions will have us following whatever we feel and going in the wrong direction and that is how he kills our joy. And our path is to lead us into good, but he’s out to destroy us, preventing us from getting to our purpose that God has written for us. 

God has only good things for us. This is something we really need to understand deep down inside. It helps us fully understand the love that God actually has for us. Because being loved is a powerful thing. And when you know that the one who created this world loves you and created you, that makes you the daughter or a son of a true king. And you don’t give a prince or princess scraps, you give them only the best. That is in your case the perfect blessing. That’s all God wants to give to you. Anything else is not of God. The promise above in James 1:17 changed a lot of my thinking today.

Just understanding the love, and the perfect gift that God gives us made me look at the blessing and the open door that is in front of me today. Consider the situation that’s in front of you. Consider your blessings and wonder if that side of disappointment could possibly just be a distraction or a temptation to lead you in a different direction. Regardless, thank and praise God because He did something so good for you. And that’s all he wanted to do for you.


Time is Very Important to God


God has Unlimited Forgiveness for You