God has Unlimited Forgiveness for You

“God has forgiven you, now forgive yourself.” - Unknown

We are not Jesus. There! I said it! We sin…often. No matter how we try to not be intentional about it, it happens. We are human and not perfect. However, sometimes we can be hard on ourselves and expect God is feeling the exact same way. That He is about to throw the towel in on us because we are just hopeless beings. I will tell you right now. You are the only one being hard on yourself, aside from possible friends and family. But the only ones that matter right now are you and your God. You messed up. It wasn’t great. But it is okay. Honestly. It really is. 

I have been there many times where I feel like I deserve to be punished. I am a terrible person. How could God possibly love me when I keep messing up. I am not worthy of anything. Especially his blessings. My next step would be waiting for his punishment to come down on me. I was a terrible daughter. I deserved that. I needed to be on time out. What I would discover, however, was that aside from facing the repercussions, there was no lightning coming from the sky. The blessings still came. His love still shone through. Unfortunately, it made me feel like I needed to punish myself instead, if He wasn’t going to do it.

But I had it all wrong. When you truly love someone, you don’t want to see them in pain. You want them to learn their lessons and live through their mistakes. Would you want to see them continuously suffering because they weren’t perfect. No. So why would God want that for us. Especially if we are remorseful. Jesus may have told us to forgive 70 times 7. But that doesn’t mean God has that same rule applied to Him. He is an unlimited God. Full of mercy and love. An unlimited God will have unlimited forgiveness for you.

No matter how big or how bad you have been He has enough forgiveness for you.

Saul killed the prophets and God could have easily ended his life and moved on. Instead, He chose to save Saul, change his name to Paul, thereby renewing him in a way, and continued to walk with Him, creating the author of the greatest number of books in the Bible. David, who was a man after God’s heart, had a man murdered and stole his wife. We would have probably said an eye for an eye and have David murdered for his terrible crime. Instead, David was put through the realization of his sin, dealt with the consequences but not once did God leave his side. Abraham lied on his journey to the promise land about his wife Sarah being his sister. This caused drama along the way but God still got him there. Samson gave his secrets away to women and that might have led to his death, but God still granted his final wish, one last bout of strength. 

There are so many examples in the Bible and in our lives. He listens to us. He loves and will never abandon us no matter what. So please go easy on yourself. Understand that you did something wrong and that you need to repent of your sin. Try your hardest to do the right thing but if you stumble, don’t stay down. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t punish yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Look to God. Have that heart to heart with Him and try, try again. He loves you for it!


Only The Purest of Blessings


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