Iridescent You

“She was iridescent, every part just beautiful and luminous” _ Jade Windsor

Iridescent means showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles. An iridescent color doesn’t show one main color at all times. Looking at it from different angles it changes. Examples of iridescence include soap bubbles, feathers, butterfly wings, seashell nacre, and minerals such as opal. Each item is unique in its way. Today, I would like to look at another object of iridescent quality that in my opinion applies fully. What or whom am I referring to? You. 

No one can say we were born and immediately settled on our characteristics. We changed as we grew. But that doesn’t mean we are iridescent. What does? The fact that you adjust in different moments depending on what angle/situation you have been placed in. In your safe place, you relax. In your fun place, you let go. In your business place, you get serious. In your quiet space, you get real. Depending on what angle/situation, you change.

That is how fascinating you are. 

It expands to every moment you encounter. When it comes to trauma, for example. When things go bad, you go into a protective stage. When things are scary, you go into a fighting stage. When things are tough, you go into the survival stage. When we come out of it, it takes a lot from us and the fact that you made it through is huge! 

Life is not easy, but you most certainly have what it takes for those rough moments. The items I mentioned above, such as bubbles, can pop when pressure is applied. But you, my dear, are still here. You never popped. You never faltered. You never gave up. I say this because you are still here.

So don’t try to deny it.

Aside from different angles, the colors of an iridescent object can be caused by light reflecting and refracting in multiple ways through the object. In another post, I wrote about how you were made to shine. There is a light that God placed inside of you. This light is a strong part of your inner strength. As much as life tries to dim you, that light continuously will try to shine through because naturally that’s who you are . 

Iridescence is derived from the Greek word iris meaning rainbow. Multiple colors lined beautifully symbolizing a promise from God to Noah in Genesis. God has made a promise to you too. He promises to never leave you no matter the angle/situation. He promises to guide you through, comfort you during and pull you to the end. 

As one color begins the rainbow and another ends, the you who starts a season is different when it ends. You may be stronger and wiser but you are still iridescent. Whatever lies ahead of you, you will be able to go through it and shine. I hope this piece helps you to see the rare, beautiful strong person that you are.

Strong, luminous, beautiful, iridescent you!


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