Here Looks Different

You may not always end up where you thought you were going, But you will always end up where you were meant to be. - Jessica Taylor

This is for the woman who feels she has not accomplished much. For the queen who wishes they were further in life. For the gem who thinks she no longer sparkles. For that beauty who feels she has nothing to offer. I want to gently reach over, look you kindly in your sweet eyes and shake you. Are you serious!? Let’s start from the beginning. It is absolutely great that you set goals for yourself. It’s even better that you made a master plan to go with those goals. That is the best way to get to our dreams; to accomplish what we envision.

However, if you feel you haven’t reached where you thought, you would be in life then it’s a reminder that you are not the one in charge.

When we set goals and add a timer on them we need to be prepared for it to not go as you expect it to go. We set goals with the idea of wanting to get there. But we get there at God’s time. We reach them when and how He says we do. When it’s slower than we think we need to continue trusting and believing that this mess is fully under control.

This is not just a message to you. This is a message to me as well. I am a planner. So, I basically make God laugh like all the time. Sometimes I wonder if He keeps me around for entertainment purposes only. “Let’s see what Soko thinks she’s going to do today?” Haha! I am trying to learn this lesson with you all. I had a plan to be an author of children’s books. I wanted to be the youngest author ever. However, the right idea would not come up. I had another one where I would be a computer programmer and totally rock it. My failed C++ class begs to differ. There are more on the list. Living in San Diego with my husband, kids and our dog. Creating and producing my own television shows in Hollywood. Having my own PR company on the side. I had many, many plans. Each time they changed, and I had to come to terms with it. But it got to a point where I felt like I had done nothing on my ever-changing list. But I was forgetting all the things I had done in the meantime. I did get married and have kids. I stayed in communications and instead found a new love in directing. I am finding another passion in writing. 

Looking at the wrongs may make you feel like you are still stuck here in nothing. But pause with me. Let’s think back to ten or five years ago. Where were you then? What have you accomplished in that time? How have you grown? I am sure you are wiser than you used to be in some areas. You are clearly not the same person or in the same place. Even if you don’t find yourself living in the dream you hoped for at this age, you are still where you are supposed to be. But don’t get discouraged and think this is it. This is not your last stop in life. You are still breathing. So keep making goals. Keep on planning. Use where you are right now, because this season is just as important as where you are going. Without being here you can’t get there. You may not feel like you have done some amazing things but you better believe it. Plus, you are about to do more! 


Being Broken is Not the End


This Can’t Be It