Accept Your Story

“Not only is your story your truth, your story is going to be the platform and the foundation for everything that is getting ready to happen in your life.” - DeVon Franklin

We all have a different story. No story is perfect. To some our story doesn’t even seem beautiful. It’s got dips and rough edges and dark spots. We don’t always want to share our story. Though I highly encourage you to for various reasons. Some may be in the part of their story wondering where the happy ending is. Your story is still the story that you have. Because of that we need to accept our story, imperfections and all. 

Your story created the person that you are.

Moving forward in unity with God can be tricky if you haven’t accepted the story that led to the person you are now. Your strength and wisdom was built from your past. It was not how you planned it to be and I know that hurts, but we are not on our time but God’s. He sees the whole picture. We just see a part. Like watching a movie. It’s hard to judge it when you haven’t watched the whole thing. We don’t know about the twist in the middle. Looking back it may seem full of disappointments. Have you looked at it properly? Were there unexpected blessings? Were there ups amongst those downs? That heartbreak led to the wisdom you now share. That pain led to the strength you gained. That test led to the patience you now have. Even if you want to argue that you are not a great person, I highly doubt you are as terrible as you think. We can be our own worst judge.

Your story has so much to offer others including yourself.

No matter how perfect others' lives look, don't be fooled. We are all imperfect. Comparing kills. Every single person has much to contribute to this world. I understand that there are some moments that are beyond imagination. Those that bring absolute deep sorrow and there can never be an explanation for why it happened. I’m not saying it was okay. It is never okay. We live in a broken world with terrible things happening all the time. Accepting your story is overcoming what tried to end you. It’s overcoming the belief that this is something you deserve and will always deserve. We accept that it happened and then we move forward to heal from it and understand that you are amazing for making it through. Absolutely amazing! Trials are different for everyone. Not so we can compare and say I’m stronger with pride, but to help each other when it’s possible. The lessons we have learned. no everyone has. The strengths we have gained also come in handy as we continue our journey. I bet all those times you worked tirelessly on overnights came in handy when you had your first born.

Your story is leading to beautiful moments.

Embracing your story is embracing a part of you. It is best to be whole and complete as you take the next steps into your future. It will give you the confidence needed for where you are going and what you will see. There is no need to be afraid of your future either. Your story has the reminders of all the ups from the downs. You can rest assured your ups will always be around the corner. You will make it through because you did it before. You will know that no matter what, God has guided you and is not going anywhere any time soon. What God starts He finishes. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15). Your story has a beautiful ending. Trust Him for that and hold on to it. You will be amazed once your movie is over.



