He Has A Plan

Many are the plan’s of a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” Proverbs 19:21

That moment in the movie when the main characters are running but find themselves trapped in an alleyway and the bad guys are slowly approaching. But regardless of this terrifying situation the hero smiles. Why? Because he has a plan. He knows a way out and is confident in that plan. God has a plan for that situation you feel trapped in. Maybe it’s been for a short amount of time or you’ve been stuck in it for years. God has always had a plan. But everything needs to line up perfectly for it to work. Maybe it’s feeling like all your balls are in the air at once. Your life is a chess game and the pieces are moving but you have no clue where your queen is going to end up. I will tell you one thing. There are different signs that God has a plan. He is lining things up and the wheels are in motion.

Sometimes it feels like a door closing in our face. That moment when God told Abraham to leave home and Abraham asked where and God told him to just start going. He would tell him when to stop. I would have taken out a map and tried to figure out all possible options instead of just letting it be. I tend to jump ahead because the lack of control freaks me out. Will I get that job I applied for or not? Will I end up getting that scholarship? Am I raising my children right? The uncertainty can absolutely make you feel like you need to catch yourself without you realizing you are doing it. I have told myself I don’t want to seem idle so I will just take these steps and let God lead me. But then when He closes the door in a bid to guide me to the left I get upset. I went to the left, God. Why did you close that opportunity? I completely forgot the original plan. He is telling me no and I am suddenly devastated. It took a couple weeks before I realized what I did.

That door closed with love not punishment. 

Sometimes it is a random circumstance. For example, I was suddenly charged a huge fee to join a union. It was necessary with no way around it or I lose my job. Once again, it feels like something is wrong on the surface. God am I being punished? However, it is such a unique situation that it’s silently screaming that it’s a blessing in disguise. It is all part of the big plan that God has for our life. But we can’t see it clearly and cannot always tell. We pray against it,. We cry out to him. Read the psalms and hope that God will swoop in and save us. But it’s not happening. We have to continue to walk down this path that popped out of nowhere and looks dark or annoying. But it’s all part of God’s plan. He has always had a plan. This plan was hatched before you existed. ‘You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.’ (Psalm 139:16) 

The only thing is that we don’t understand nor can we begin to understand what God is thinking or where He is headed. Trust me, I have tried. I have spent my whole life trying to understand the whys and the hows and the wheres. 40 years later none of it makes sense to me still. God is not surprised nor is He unsure. He already knows how the story ends. In the meantime, we should keep giving it our full percentage. If we hit a closed door or run into strange circumstances, know that God is telling you to change direction. If you have no clue what is going on, know that God does. If you feel like the how or the when seems impossible or non existent, know that nothing is impossible for God. He’s smiling already because He is that hero in the story. He has a plan and it is good!


Just Keep Moving


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