Just Keep Moving

“Keep going! You did not come this far just to get this far.” - Unknown

Has it been hard lately? Do you feel like it’s exhausting? The continuous fighting and pushing and trying. This life that we live is not always easy. We get ups and downs. The downs can be crazy. They can also be long. They can even make you wonder if there are going to be any ups again. Through all of this one thing remains. You need to keep moving. No matter how many times you think you can’t do it, or there’s no solution, you must keep moving. It’s easy to give up, but you, my dear, are extraordinary and were not made for that. You were made to conquer, to survive, to finish this race. But in order to get to the finish line you must keep moving.

There are many things we face in our journey. Fear, disappointments, closed doors, losses, challenges that seem to build such a high wall we don’t know if we can climb over them. But one thing that can really get to us is the very long, why is it not over yet, journey that seems to continue day after day, year after year. You look back and wonder why am I still here? Why am I still dealing with this? Why bother taking another step right? We are still going to be here dealing with it. When did life become a treadmill that we are running on and not getting anywhere but tired? This, my dear, is the never ending challenge. At least that’s what it wants you to think. It wants to think it will not end, or that even if it does, another will just pop right up after this. This feels like the worst.

What is the point of life if we are just going to spend it fighting until we die, right? Wrong.

That’s the thing. We have to train ourselves to not fall for these thoughts. There is an ending. How am I so sure? Because nothing lasts forever. The ending is also beautiful. Think back to your last hardship. How did it end? Was it random funding during a long financial hardship? Was it an adorable rainbow baby after multiple miscarriages? Was it a home after a long search for a place to belong? No matter the length of time, they ended beautifully. This too will be the same. God has seen you on this journey and has been with you the entire time. But you need to keep moving in order to get to this ending. To that happy place where it is all over and you can breathe again. He’s got you but He can’t move your feet for you. 

This is where I want to pick you up and hand you your sneakers and say you have got this. That light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer with each step. Just take it. Take it with prayers. Take it with faith. Take it with hope in the One. Take it with the determination that no one and nothing will keep you down. Because they can’t. ‘You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.’ (1 John 4:4, NIV) He will provide you the strength and the way to get there. You will make it. Just keep fighting and pushing and moving forward. 




He Has A Plan