Not Going To Be Easy

“Nobody told me the road would be easy and I don’t believe he brought me this far to leave me.” - Mary Mary

“Who said it was going to be easy?” These words were a reminder that I needed. The Pastor who had uttered them to me brought me back to reality. I was in the middle of talking about a dream I feel God gave me. It was beautiful. It was something I was excited for. It aligned with His will. I already pictured myself walking down that yellow brick road and just finding my way home, forgetting that that is not how it goes. There will be bumps and there will be trials. There might be a wicked witch, a group of friends in similar need and a false end but one thing we know for sure  is that no one said it would be easy. Not even the one that controls all things and assigns you the mission.

Smooth journeys never make great stories.

Imagine hearing about the engine that could and quite easily did. That story would be over before it started. Little Red Riding Hood would have just dropped off the baked goods her mom made to her grandma. The Prince would have just easily met his future Princess and lived happily ever after. Bringing it back to the Bible, Paul was on assignment for God spreading HIs word and could easily have just preached and went home for dinner. Instead he was beaten and put in jail. That tough assignment had so many layers to it. The lessons that were made. The people that were saved. It is still changing lives today as we read Acts 16 in the Bible. 

Even though our journey is not going to be easy, we do still need a push to keep going.  It can be easy to forget that this is part of our story.If you are as forgetful as I am, here are three things we need to remember as we run into these walls.

That jail will not hold you. If you feel blocked, trapped, stuck, or just not moving forward at all? This will not be your end. It may seem like there is  no way out, but when it comes to God, there is always a way out. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. (Acts 16:26) Whatever problem you face, however impossible it seems, you will get out and it will be over. 

There is a reason for that trial. It’s making you stronger, wiser or connecting you with someone who will either help you on your journey or you help them. At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. (Acts 16:33) 

You will get to the finish line. Your story will have a good ending no matter what, because God is writing your story. The jailer told Paul, “The magistrates have ordered that you and Silas be released. Now you can leave. Go in peace. (Acts 16:36)

The journey may not be easy and the times may be hard but take heart that in the end you will make it. This is a temporary stop. Go through it knowing that in the end you will have a great story to tell.


You Survived

