You Survived

“If you are alive there is a purpose for your life.” - Rick Warren

Looking back at my life, I realize there are a lot of moments I should have died. I am sure you will find moments that you never thought you would survive. Or thought you would even get as far as you have today. You are here and there is a reason for that. The reason being that there is still something more for you to do. Your purpose is not to exist and die. That trauma that happened. It tried to be the end of you but failed. How? Because you are still here. There are still lives you haven’t made a difference in. There is a purpose that God has placed inside of you. You have passion inside of you for something special. Your eyes brighten when you think of it or dream of it. You have your own path to walk and a story to end. But it’s not over till God says it is.

The past is what led to you getting here. Your future is why so many things tried to stop you. That betrayal, that attack, that pain and suffering. What matters is that you survived. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t right at all. I wish it never happened to you.

You are an amazing human being and the proof is in who you are.

It may not feel like it. It may feel like guilt or sadness or failure or pain. But really, you are amazing. Your story is not done yet. You still have so much joy and beauty to see. 

Don’t waste any more time being afraid or worrying about what ifs or should I’s. There is a reason you have that passion. There is a reason you were created. Not one of us were made to just exist. There is no purpose too large or too small. You are just right and you are perfect for the job too. Stop telling yourself you don’t matter or you have nothing to give. Everyone has something to give. Even a smile or a compliment or a nod. You also have more than that. You are capable of more than that. Don’t be a part of what is holding you back. 

Only God knows why your story was written that way. He knows the reasons and how it ends. Let’s take that next step together. Open that door. Crawl through that window. Dive through that opening. Whatever it is you see in front of you, go for it. Know that God is going with you. Know that He will give you everything you need. It’s going to be okay. One key to knowing that they cannot and will not keep you down is your memory. Remember what you have already survived. Staying in the past can hold you back but you can use it to propel you forward. Those hurdles you jumped remind you that you are capable. That trauma you escaped reminds you that you are strong. That pain you survived reminds you that you are resilient. Even mistakes we overcame are proof we are wiser. We learned lessons. We got up from our falls. 

If you still don’t believe a word in this piece is about you then let me ask you this. Why do you believe you don’t have a reason to still be here?  God counts every hair on your head. He sees every need that you have. He gives you the very breath that you breathe. Are all of these for no reason? They are for very good reasons. You survived, embrace it and celebrate it. If you are still wondering when does this all begin the answer is up to you. You take that first step. Know that there will be more things ahead because the road is not easy, but don’t forget who you are. A survivor.


He Loved Us First


Not Going To Be Easy