God Brought You Here

“But Moses protested to God, ‘Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?’” - Exodus 3:11

Have you ever been in a place in life where you felt I don’t think I’m supposed to be here? Have you ever felt it must be a mistake? Do I even have the ability, the knowledge, the anything? Guess who else felt like that. Moses in the Bible. As he stood in front of Pharaoh, the most powerful man in the world, he must have had all sorts of anxieties going on. He had told God he was not the right man, listing his faults and weaknesses. He fought against it for a while, because deep down he felt God chose wrong and not only that, what could he possibly do. He had tried to help years ago and had failed terribly. He ended up killing a man. But sometimes we forget that God sees our past and our future. He’s not making a mistake choosing you. He’s absolutely sure with his decision. But not only is God sure, he’s now going with you to this place you are not sure of. 

So here Moses now knows God definitely wants him to do the job. If you got the job, God wants you to do it. If you were blessed with a blessing that, has you doubting, trust me. God brought you here. But he’s not dropping you off and going home to wait and hear about your day. He’s with you the entire time. He was with Moses as he performed each miracle in front of the pharaoh. He was with him as each word flowed from his mouth. But understand that at this point Moses too was dependent on God. He asked God what should I say? What should I do? He asked and he listened then he obeyed. Don’t try to attempt it all on your own. As you follow the road on where God is leading you, talk to Him and listen. Ask Him to show you. Ask Him to help you. Ask Him to guide you. He will absolutely answer.

It won’t sometimes be as loud as a burning bush, but it will be an answer God will make sure you see. 

Remember how Moses did everything God said but yet Pharaoh said no? Remember how it was God making Pharaoh resist? When I read that I asked why? You told him to do it and he did. Then you made it harder. Why couldn’t he have walked in day one and said ‘let my people go’ and Pharaoh nodded, and they all went to their new homeland. I could hear God responding with multiple reasons. God was able to show his power through all the miracles performed, right down to one of the biggest ones in history, the parting of the Red Sea. He was showing His people that he’s not just God, but one that is strong enough to protect us from every evil! This leads to another reason. Moses’ relationship with God grew with each miracle. As God worked with him his relationship became more developed. He went from being asked to do something by a burning bush to spending days in God’s presence creating the 10 commandments. Sounds like best friends to me. Maybe the hardship of your blessing is God saying come closer to me, fall deeper into my presence, lean harder on me. He desires to have a great relationship with you. But it’s not only through blessing after blessing. Then we are just turning Him into a genie to make our lives easier. 

You are here because God sent you here and He is taking every step with you. He chose you on purpose. He leads you with purpose. Don’t let the crazy driver of anxiety take over. We want the one who parted the Red Sea to lead the way. Walk in that blessing because He sent you there and believe He is in control no matter what happens. 


Going Through The Emotions


It Takes Time Processing