Be Persistent! Be, Be Persistent!

“Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” Aisha Tyler

We hear persistence is key to success. We are reminded to keep going and be persistent. We’re told to keep walking forward. Don’t stop, don't give up and don’t look back. So here’s my question . How long do I have to do this for? I know it sounds ridiculous. I can be persistent, keep pushing, keep driving. But for how long exactly? Tell me I’m not the only person asking this question. For example, if I want to heal, in order for that to happen, I have to go through the persistent steps of healing. But how long do I have to go through this before I can finally breathe? Or say, I want to do something that I am passionate about. I start working at it but it’s really slow and not making much progress, but they say be persistent. But for how long? Thoughts of giving up and move on to something else enter mind on multiple occasions. However, giving up on a dream is not an option. But it doesn’t stop these questions going through my head as I am being persistent in my life persistently. So, it had me thinking, what would help me on my persistent journey?

First, it would be great to have an encourager.

Like my very own cheerleader. Football players have cheerleaders who encourage them to win a game. Basketball players get cheerleaders too. Why can’t we have our own cheerleaders. I picture someone yelling at me, “You got this, go, go you got this!” That would be really helpful. I mean think about how valuable having anyone in your life be that cheerleader could be. So, yes, first on the list is a cheerleader. 

Second, on the list would be a guide or coach.

Someone guiding you along and helping with wrong turns and pitfalls and when you just feel lost would be awesome. I would hate to persistently drive down a hill to the cliff, and never make it to my dream. Failure is a part of life, however, if my gift is in writing and I push to use my inadequate voice to be a singer, someone please turn me on to the right road. I would hate to be the person that failed persistently. A persistent failure. I wonder if that exists? OK I’m getting distracted. Let’s move on. 

Third, in my persistent journey I would love to have treats.

Like give me a trophy. I lasted a year doing this. I deserve a prize. I didn’t give up. I didn’t sit down and say I’m done. A prize would be really nice. I think of the show Parks and Recreation. Two characters would make the effort to treat themselves on a special day of the year. That was a great idea. They would prioritize it because they deserved it for all of their hard work. We deserve it for putting in a lot of effort and work in.

Other things could be, having a reason that motivates you and a partner going along with you in your journey. Feel free to add whatever else comes to mind. Getting to the end of that race will be the most amazing feeling ever. The reward will be great. But who says we can’t get some help on this persistent journey. Thanks for reading and keep going!!


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