He Will Fight For You

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” - Exodus 14:14

Imagine you’re a kid again. A bully at school has hurt you. Deeply. You go home and tell your parent about it. They hug you tightly and pour kisses on your hurt places. They clean you up, get you back on your feet, then sit you down and tell you they will handle it. As you go back to school the next day your bully is still there just fine, not even suffering one bit. It’s lunch and you see them doing something that could get them expelled. The power is in your hands to get them in trouble. It’s not revenge you tell yourself. You are trying to protect yourself from your bully right? But what about your parent that said they would handle it? Should you take the matter into your own hands or trust that your parent will handle it in the best way possible?

That’s the situation we face when dealing with our enemies in life and God has told us He would handle them. Of course, they are going to slip up. But are we supposed to then take the power into our hands or leave it to God. He has cleaned you up, blessed you, brought you out of that darkness and set you down on a new path. Yes the bully is still there trying to be a threat. We can argue that we are just trying to protect ourselves but that’s God’s job. Did you get yourself out of that situation or did He? Did he provide the money you needed or did He? Are you the one in charge of your healing or is He?

We don’t know the repercussions of our action if we take it.

We can’t see what would happen if we take that step to completely remove them from our lives. What if their presence is what is making you stronger and faster. Yes they represent trouble and pain and sadness but God is protecting us from that. It’s hard to see because when we look at them all we see is the trouble and pain and hurt. We need to remind ourselves of the freedom and strength and courage we have now. 

It all comes down to the fact that we should only show them love. It sounds outrageous, I know. Go with me to the story of Saul and David. Saul was trying to kill David. David didn’t even deserve that. He had done nothing but existed. He spent a good part of his life running and trying to protect himself from Saul. But one day Saul walked into a cave unarmed that David and his men were hiding in. His men urged him to strike him now. After all, hadn't God just given him the opportunity to kill his enemy. He could be done with the madness finally? It was a blessing right? When David cut his robe, guilt consumed him. He hadn’t even touched the man and he felt the wrongdoing of his action. When Saul walked out of the cave David called to him and told him how he had the opportunity to do it but didn’t. It was not his place to fight this battle. It was God’s.

David goes on to say, “May the Lord therefore judge which of us is right and punish the guilty one. He is my advocate, and he will rescue me from your power!”” (1 Samuel‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬) God is our advocate. No matter what happens He will always fight for us. We don’t have to be afraid. In the end, Saul knew he had messed up. He finally saw his evil through the good that David did. “And he said to David, “You are a better man than I am, for you have repaid me good for evil.” (1 Samuel‬ ‭24‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT) Trust your heavenly parent to handle the situation. He sees the whole picture and knows exactly what to do. 


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