Are You Fighting With One Hand Tied


When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” - Henry Ford

Life gets hard. That’s what it does. What’s important here is how you react to that difficult situation. That is the key. That is what defines your path to where you are headed. There are many ways we can react to hardship. Do we run? Do we fight? Do we act quickly or slowly? Do we complain? Do we praise? We find ourselves in hard situations multiple times. Sometimes it’s because we need a do over from not learning our lesson the last time. Sometimes it's just a new lesson we need to learn. Sometimes these lessons are hard and sometimes we are able to cruise right on through. But then there are times we wonder if these lessons will ever be over. 

God knows why He allows certain hardships in our lives. Not every hardship is easy to swallow or understand.  But then again we don’t know the mind of God nor can we begin to understand it in our small brains. But He is God for a reason. You don’t see all and know all. He is the author of our stories. But once again we have a choice. How are we going to react to this hardship? Are we going to keep our eyes up above on God or down below on our problem? Are we going to pray and surrender it to God or are we going to attempt to fix it first until we have nothing left. Are we going to claim victory over our obstacles and hold on to that faith or panic and wonder if it will come at all.

I’m going to be honest. I have done both. I have avoided like the best of them. I have denied and walked the other way hoping it disappears. I have also faced off and dug my heels in and said no. Fighting brings more rewards and more strength. It’s not easy but I have a way of getting my head in the game. But this secret stays between you and me. I get into Marvel Mode. I grew up with comic books from my older brothers. When the movies started coming out I was so excited and ran to the theaters every time and stayed to the end for those end credits. But each time I leave the theater I leave feeling like I could kick butt like the main character. My favorite is Captain Marvel. She was led to believe her whole life she couldn’t fight. She didn’t have the strength in her. She listened and believed and continued to try hard.

But how do you fight to your best when you don’t believe it is inside of you.

You are basically fighting with one hand tied behind your back. Images were played in front of her showing her every fall in life and struggle. But then as she got to know herself and understand who she was she looked for what happened after every fall and focused on that. She got up. When she began to focus instead on how she got up every single time and tried again she realized she did have it. Only a strong person gets up from a fall like that and keeps moving. Her realization changed everything. She reached her full potential of her power/purpose. The kicking butt then began. 

Sometimes we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs. We are not fully believing we can get through it. But look within yourself. As I get into my Marvel Mode and dig in my heels believing I have this as I have done before what method can you use to train your brain into pushing that fear out. Is it meditating before starting your day? Is it playing fighting music as you head out in your car? Doing jumping jacks before checking that bank account? Whatever it is, keep God in the center. Through Him ALL things are possible. Remembering that will keep in perspective that it can and will be conquered. 


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