Stuck In It

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

I’ve fallen victim to the ‘Cannots’. It’s a terrible disease of the mouth and mind. It comes out and causes damage to my motivational being. It builds a belief in my system and I give up and get stuck. Let’s find the cure of the Cannots because we need to heal ourselves from it in order to survive. 

Remember how the Looksies had us looking for trouble or expecting it? The Cannots believe we are either incapable or God just doesn’t want to do it for us. It’s lies that we tell ourselves in difficult moments. I cannot do this. I cannot survive this. I cannot achieve anything. We even apply it to God. God cannot solve this. God cannot find me. God cannot take this pain away. This belief allows us to lose. Especially if we keep stating it over our lives we accept this fate. Our words are powerful weapons. They can build up and they can destroy. With the Cannots all they do is destroy anyone or anything they are applied to. Once we utter “it cannot possibly happen for us” we have doomed our blessing. 

So what’s the origin of the Cannots? How could we possibly catch this disease? It can begin with the letdowns. We didn’t get that blessing. We received so many closed doors. We have been in a painful situation for a long time. Possibly the same one or just one coming after another. It hurts and has been very difficult. It just starts to make sense that you’ve been forgotten. That God doesn’t want to bless you or that you don’t deserve it. These are lies being planted into your mind. These little seeds start slow and begin to grow into finding more negative situations and disappointments. Once strong enough you start to believe the only thing that seems clear to you now. It’s not for you so it Cannot happen. You Cannot do it. It Cannot ever get better again. 

Having those words come out of our mouths has officially sealed our fate.

Now we are declaring it for everyone to hear. We’re declaring it for ourselves to believe. Our fighting the situation is no longer taking place and we have given up. The disease is now full-blown. The truth is God does not want us here. He has fought hard to keep us from getting here. How, you ask. When all I have seen were closed doors and letdowns. You forgot to look up. You forgot to look for the little miracles that were still coming your way. You forgot to search for God in everything that was happening. You forgot to listen to Him through His word and other resources. God never left. He was there the whole time. But those negative seeds got entangled and distracting and gave us a blind eye. 

But it’s not too late. With an emergency shot of the ‘God Can’ we will get back on the path to being healed again. Because God Can turn around any situation. God Can fix anything. God Can do it all and save you. There’s nothing impossible for him. As dark as it gets and as scary as it gets, God is still in that midst. But you have to fight it. You have to grab hold of him again. It is your will in His way. He’s reaching out his hand. Grab it again and get back to fighting. Because this is not how it ends when God Can. You are loved. You are worth it. You are amazing. God is on a no man/woman left behind mission.  


Trust Test


This Is The Beginning