Trust Test

“When you are going through something hard and wondering where God is, remember the teacher is always quiet during the test.” - Unknown

You know how we put food through a taste test to see if it’s ready. Ready to be served. Ready to be sent out to the world a.k.a. our family. I imagine God puts us through a trust test for the same reason. To see if we are ready for the next step. How much do you trust God? Would you take a huge risk if he asked you to? Would you stop worrying about anything believing he’s taking care of you? There is a difference between having faith and trusting God. Having faith is believing God exists and can do the things he said he would. Trusting God is believing he will do it. An example of my faith is that my friend can catch me, but do I trust that she will if I just fall backwards right now. 

Trusting God can sometimes be a process. Like a human relationship we don’t just jump into the trust zone. We give it time to get us there. With God, it would be great if we just immediately and fully trusted Him. However, sometimes we say we trust but when suddenly a trial comes whether large or small, we start freaking out. Fear overcame that trust. I have learned that as I have gone through some bigger trials it takes me to the next level of trust and further away from fear. We are seeing the miracles occur and they are renewing our faith and our trust.

There are some things we will go through that we don’t understand, but we must trust him anyway.

There are levels of life that he will need our total absolute trust to get us to that purpose. He will throw trials at us to prepare us. These are those trust tests. Some salt here and a little fire there and you are ready to be served. So now when God shows you a move to make, when everyone around you panics, you stay still in the Lord because you are trusting that this is right where He wants you. You are acing your trust test and have moved on to the next level. 

God has put me in a season of total dependence on him. Every move I made the door closed and I started getting upset. God I am trusting you but you aren’t answering my prayers. He then revealed to me that I really wasn’t trusting him. If I was I would have inquired into what his will was, not my way. When I am moving in my way it takes me out of trusting him and into controlling my life instead. So with every door closed I was forced to stop what I was doing, look at him and walk in his way fully dependent on him telling me the next step. Trust test! I’m still in my trust test, still walking and letting go. Look for a post updating soon on the blessings that came as a result. 

He’s doing it all for our benefit. He made us for a reason so he knows best what we were made to do. God is taking us through different seasons and preparations. As you are being prepared release and trust in Him. You will feel the changes in yourself as you go through each stage. God has the perfect timing for us to be ready for the next step. It’s going to work out just fine. 


It Takes Time Processing


Stuck In It