This Is The Beginning

“Broken crayons still color the same.” - Trent Shelton

It started with a broken woman. The story of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman by the well (John 4). He wasn’t with his disciples. He didn’t bring anyone. The crowd that usually followed him everywhere wasn’t with him. It was Jesus by himself. He approached this woman and wanted to speak with her. He already knew her story and yet knew what he had planned for her. She was at the well, broken. She had gone through marriages and separations. In fact she was still in between moments. Her life was not together. She was lost, and Jesus came to her. By speaking with her, it started a revolution for her town. Samaria was saved because Jesus came to a broken woman. He used a broken woman. 

This is for all those times that we think to ourselves we’re too broken to be used. This is for all those times we think to ourselves that there is no use for us. There is no point in why we are here. We can never accomplish anything. Nothing good will happen through us or to us. But so much good came out of this broken woman. So why not us. Jesus wants to meet with you today.

He wants to meet you in your brokenness.

Just like he did with this woman in Samaria. He wants to come alone knowing exactly everything about you. And not only is he coming to you, he's asking you for help. The savior of the universe was at her well and he asked her for water. God is coming to you asking you for what you have in your hands. He’s asking you for your gift. He’s asking you for your talent, because you have something that could help this world. He is coming to ask you for it. Not when you are feeling great. Not when you are in a better place or everything is together and you are standing strong. He is with you on that floor crying, looking at you like, you have something for me, and I have something for you. Not like you are weak and useless, but the opposite.

After he asked her for her water, Jesus then offered her living water. He offered her life to the fullest. He offered her things that she could not even fathom or understand or imagine. That is what God is offering you today. He wants you just as you are and he’s giving you something more in addition. A drink of the Living Water so you will never be thirsty again. God knows you and he loves you. He’s not ignoring you. He is here right now offering you that everlasting water. This moment is what defines your worth, your strength, your beauty. And most importantly His love for you. The town of Samaria was changed because of a broken woman. Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” ( John 4:39) You may feel broken but you are going to cause a change. This is just the beginning. God has plans for you. It does not end here. Whether you knowing where life is going or not. This is the beginning of everything beyond your imagination. Look up to him now and embrace his Living Water. God will not judge you or put demands on you. He didn’t tell that woman to go change her life. He didn’t demand her or judge her for everything she had done or been doing. He just showed her love, the same love he wants to show you.


Stuck In It


Don’t Doubt Him