What’s Your Crutch?

“Whatever you do, don’t ever use a crutch, and don’t ever think of having an excuse for not having said, “Yeah I did my best.”” - Isadore Sharp

 What is a crutch? According to the dictionary, it is a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a person with an injury or disability. Basically, a crutch is something we lean on when we feel we can’t move forward on our own. We lean on a crutch and we depend on it. Aside from this actual piece of wood, there are other things in life that can become our crutch. Not knowing how to do something can be your crutch. Blaming your current circumstances, and even your past can be your crutch. Finally, you yourself can be a crutch. 

Not knowing how to do something can be unnerving.

It can be uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing. We tend to make excuses because of this. Why bother trying to learn something when you can avoid it and stick with what you know. How many opportunities do we let slip by because we hold on to the fact that we don’t know anything about it. There are opportunities to learn something new everyday but we can get stuck in our ways of keeping a routine and never wanting to change. We depend on our routine and get completely thrown off if something causes an imbalance. The best thing we can do is let go of this crutch and embrace the unknown. Go towards the strange and see if you can make it familiar. That new different path could be the adventure you need. The blessing you have been waiting for. The moment you will always remember. 

Sometimes we use our circumstances to be a crutch.

I don’t have a car. My bank account balance is low. There is just not enough time in my schedule. I work full time, when will I have time to work on anything else. There is always a way around everything. Think of all the stories you hear of a mom of 6 who started a business. A grandmother going back to school to get that degree they always yearned to have. Your circumstances can be turned into the foundation of your new beginning. Looking at where you are currently and find ways to grow and go. Get determined and don’t let anything stop you. 

It is easy to get stuck in the past.

Do you remember the good times over and over and like to relive them? Do you fear that you will never be able to have it so good again so you hold on to it tightly. Maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe you’re afraid of the past repeating itself. Staying away from relationships completely because your heart was broken. Never wanting to venture into love again based on this fear alone. Don’t let the past win. Don’t let it take over you. There is still so much you have left to do, experience, see, understand, accomplish. Look for new memories. Take that chance. Say goodbye to ‘then’ and hello to ‘now’ with purpose. 

You are the crutch every time you hold yourself back.

Every time you purposely choose not to go forward. Believing something is not meant for you. That you are not worthy. That you can’t make it. That there is no way around it. If all of these reasons were fixed, changed or corrected would you choose to still not make that step? If so, you are the only one standing in your way. It is a choice, yes. You have a right to do that. But know that you face what follows your decision. You cannot have regrets later or try to blame any of the other options above. In the end you chose the final step. You can be dropped in the water but you have to choose to swim. 

Pause and think which of these reasons are the crutch you lean on. I will confess I have been guilty of using every single one. Insert awkward face here. It takes commitment and determination. No one said it was going to be easy but it is worth it!


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