Your Unique Path

“The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” - Psalms‬ ‭32‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Every path has its own course. Its destination has already been charted by the one who created this path. We each have our own path. One that cannot be compared or shared or erased. It has been created and once we start our walk in life we have a destination charted for us. We get our different views and experiences along the way. Our path has been made just for us. Created to our personality and purpose. As we ride over the bumpy parts, swim through the rough waters, slide down the floral valleys and walk through the open fields there are some things we need to remember about our path.

Your path was made unique just like you.

There is not one person like you out here. Not one! So it makes sense that the path you walk should resemble its unique passenger. Every part of you was created with love, thought and care. You have a unique thumbprint you are about to leave on this earth. You have a unique warmth. You are obtaining unique experiences combined with unique personality traits. Your path itself contributes to everything that makes you , you. Each step, each day, each moment adds up to your unique puzzle. 

Comparing leads to focusing on your shortcomings.

When I became a single mom abruptly I would look to other families with two parent households with resentment. Why did they get to have that and I didn’t. Was I not good enough? Were my children not deserving enough? This is how our thoughts can drive us to focusing on the wrong thing which would be the thing to hold us back. Comparing your path can either have you looking down on your own or on the other person’s. Understand that there is a reason and a season for everyone. Each person has their own to deal with.

Focusing on my lack leads to doubting, a major roadblock.

Doubt is one of the biggest enemies when it comes to meeting your destination. Not believing in yourself can slow you down and even bring you to a stop. You do have what it takes . You do have the ability and the strength. God only gives you something you can handle. Don’t let the thoughts in your head tell you otherwise. Your path is leading you somewhere amazing. Keep forging ahead. As hard as it may seem. Your path is not a mistake. God did indeed make the right choice picking you.

Even similar paths will have some key differences which make huge impacts.

I once met a woman whom I found out shares so many common events with me. All the way down to having the same dentist for our kids. However there were some differences as there always will be. Each difference makes a huge impact in our lives. Where we were going, how we think, and including the shape of our character. Even though we seemed to have ended up in similar circumstances and gone through similar life events it’s hard to say what our final destination would be. All because we were still two different people.

You may not like your path.

You may wonder why your path is harder than everyone else’s. You may think your path is the worst. However, your path is yours. It is what you have. Just as that job is yours and as much as you may not like it, go with the best of what you have. It is not forever, things will change and you have the ability to make it. We may think we don’t or just want a whole different path completely. But my dear, you are special in more ways than you could ever know or understand. You have a gift. You are precious and loved. This is not it, for there is so much more coming. Believe it!


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