Will You Ever Get Your Happy Ending?

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” - Unknown

Short answer, yes. But it won’t be in the way you expect it. Who doesn’t want a happy ending. I have dreamed of happy endings since I was a little girl. Disney plays a part in that very well. There were the stories of the princess getting her prince, and that was your happy ending. Today, there’s so many different kinds of happy endings. Getting that miracle healing. Freeing yourself from an abusive relationship. Understanding the person your were made to be. Happy endings can come in all shapes and sizes. We think we know what our happy ending should be. We planned it out. Husband is fantastic. Great kids who are smart and achieve impossible feats. Being amazing at our jobs. Accomplishing amazing acts. The list could go on and on. However, we are not the ones writing the story. We are the main character and have a form of control over it, yes. However, the One who created us already knows what happy ending we need.  That’s right. A happy ending is about what we need and not what we want.

I think of when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I had so many dreams for her future. I had so many hopes for what I wanted her to be. But God knew who she needed to be. He knew who I needed her to be. She was born with her personality and characteristics making her unique. In her way she showed me my weaknesses and my strengths. As she grew, I grew. The story that began in a womb is shaping us as individuals and as mother and daughter. It’s the happy ending I did not see coming.

We know what we want, but God knows what we need.

Maybe you think you want a man to lead you. But what you need is a man to show you your strengths. Maybe you want to be prettier and look a certain way. But you need to look exactly the way you are to reach the person you were trying to reach. As we are in our waiting period, God is trying to show us what we need more than what we want. We are learning what needs to be healed and what needs to be strengthened, what needs to go away and what needs to be let go of. And when the time is right, everything falls right into place. You realize this is the happy ending that you needed and now want. 

God knows what we truly need inside. It’s that need that will actually bring us to our true joy and not a momentary happiness. It may look confusing or sound crazy. Maybe it looks like you’re far from even having a chance at a happy ending. I think back to the movies. Thinking how everything looks hopeless until suddenly Prince Charming comes swooping in and saves you and you live happily ever after. Instead of charming it’ll be your heavenly father. Showing you that this is all you needed all along and this is what you were made for. That tragic past, the painful moments,  and the sad memories are not in vain. Your happy ending is coming.


I Prayed For Wisdom and This Happened


What’s Left…