What’s Left…

“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.” - Unknown

After a breakup we think of what happened? How did we get here? What mistakes were made? What happens now? Where do we go from here? How can I make the pain stop? How do I stop loving them? So many questions can come up as we think and analyze every piece of this puzzle. Right now in this moment I want you to pause all of that and think what is left? I mean this in a good way. They may be gone. They may have caused a path of hurt and pain. But they didn’t win because you are still here. You may feel broken but you are not done for. Every day is a new step forward. Every breath is a new chance again. So why don’t we analyze what’s left. 

  1. Your resilience. Your determination to move forward. We are all given choices. We have the choice to walk or to stand still, to get up or to lay down. After everything that you’ve been through you keep moving. You keep breathing. You keep going forward. You refuse to take it lying down. Your resilience is stronger. You realize that you can overcome something tough. This determination is what is amazing. You don’t know how resilient you are until you have to be. This resilience that you see right now is what’s left. It is what makes you amazing and also strong.

  2. Your strength. Your ability to survive. Going through what you went through is not easy. You may tell yourself that it should not have happened to begin with. That could be true. However, you still made it through. You survived and your strength is what got you through. In fact, your strength has also gone up a level. When you go to the gym, you work out to become stronger. With life, trials are our gym for our strength. Each trial that we go through is making us stronger. And this trial has left you a stronger person for it. It has also made you a wiser person.

  3. Your wisdom. Your lesson learned. Everything that happened came with the lesson. You took notes you remembered the red flags and now you know better. So what’s left is that you’re smarter. They can’t come back and try the same tricks on you. They can’t lie to you like they used to because you’re wiser. You see through their lies, and will see through the lies of others because of this. Wisdom is something you cannot buy and this trial gave you some thing that’s clearly priceless. Being left with that is amazing. Maybe you do not feel like it, but this wisdom is giving you a chance to look forward and know that nothing will be the same again. Now you know more. You are ready for that next step, that next chapter your new beginning.

  4. Your future. They came and they left. That chapter is over and it’s now time for a new one. As they say, if you’re still breathing, then God is not done yet. You still have so much more ahead of you. You still have countless of achievements and successes and hopes and dreams to get to. Having that future ahead of you, not knowing what it is, may seem bleak. But hold on to hope because your future is bright. “The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” (Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬). God has good plans for you. It may not feel like it or look like it. Especially in this moment where things can be hard. But keep your eyes open and keep your chin up because they are coming for you.

What happened was devastating. But what’s left should give you hope, because they can’t take that away. They can’t touch it. You are a new person. A wiser person. A person with a bright future. And who is much stronger. In my case, I also have the added blessing of a child. One who loves to hug me and squeeze my cheeks and make me laugh. Having that left behind with me has been the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. Maybe that’s the same case for you. I hope this moment has helped you see the good and what is still left. But please don’t stop at this list, keep looking for more. Because I know that God is surrounding you with more amazing things that are left. Sending you love and hugs.


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