He Loved Us First

“We love because he first loved us.” - 1 John 4:19

As I write this my son turns 3 tomorrow. I consider it an amazing milestone. Ever since I was pregnant I fought hard for him. I fought hard for my health while pregnant. I fought hard for my sanity. I fought hard for survival for the both of us. He represents everything I overcame through my storm. Not everything I went through. He represents the blessing that God gave me, not the pain I had. He came through many tears and heartache and pain. But he came as a bundle of joy and love and laughter.

I used to hold on to him so tight out of fear. I felt as if my light and strength came from him. I felt I had to protect him with all of my might. I felt I had to keep fighting once he was out of my belly and in my arms. I misunderstood the role I played as his mother. That as much as I am the Mama Bear to his Cub, God is still the ultimate protector and creator. As much love as I felt when he was born, that unbelievable bond between mother and child that is so beautiful pure and amazing and genuine, it occurred to me that someone has always loved us in that way and more. God knew him before I did. There was someone who loved him more than I ever could. That was hard to imagine because my love for my kids runs deep and wide. But God’s love outruns it. That is how God loves every single one of us.

He loves us with unimaginable love. 

If you have ever been in love you know it is a powerful feeling. Whether it is with our kids or significant other or just the guy we hope will one day see us. It takes over you and they are all you can think of. You want to spend time with them, see them all the time and make them happy. Most of all you want what is best for them. We meet this person and sometimes it takes us a bit to fall in love. Some may say they fell in love at first sight. God loved us before we even existed. I’ll pause here for your mind to be blown.

This new knowledge helped me know that no matter where I go or what I do, I will be okay. God’s love follows me and you wherever we are in life. Even to the darkest, scariest moments, that love pulls us out and rescues us. It holds on until we can breathe again. It sets us on solid ground. There is nothing like it and we will never find anything close to it. They say a mother’s love for her child is strong but guess what. His is stronger. It is His love in us that we share with those around us. With our family and friends and especially to those who need it. It is strong and powerful and saves. He died on the cross for us and continues to fight for us. Remind yourself you are enveloped in His love and find ways to share that love with others today.




You Survived