Call Me Mara (Bitter)

“Bitterness does more harm to the vessel in which it is stored…than the vessel in which it is poured.” - Unknown

 Why is there no effort required in falling, but effort is required to climb. Her name was Naomi and just like that she had lost her husband and both of her two sons. It hurt deep and because of that she wanted to be called bitter because of the losses in her life. Sometimes we experience so much loss in our lives that at some point that loss takes on a life of its own and becomes more than we want to handle. It creates this feeling deep inside of us that is mad at the world. Angry at others who have it good. Upset with ourselves for not being in a better place. Hopelessly longing but feeling it’s not for us. We are becoming bitter. 

When Naomi had experienced her loss, her instinct was to go back home to her safe place. To isolate herself and send her daughters in law away. Thank God for people who are with us in our time of need, whether we want it or not. Ruth refused to leave her alone. She wanted to journey with Naomi on this new path. She told her where you go I go. If you’re in the season of loss, God does not leave you alone when we are down. He does not leave you to fend for yourself. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) He provides comfort in different ways. 

Naomi was in pain and she changed her name to Mara meaning bitter. She recognized her pain and what it was making her. Do you recognize your pain or what it is doing to you? Bitterness creeps in quietly through our pain and anger. Before you know it, it has settled in your home as you resent the happiness of others and hold on to your painful past. Don’t let it unpack and claim your basement, keeping you down there with it. Release it all to God. Trust in HIs plan. Look for the blessing in the storm. Bitterness causes you to only see the darkness.

God is using everything for our good.

Sometimes the struggles we go through are helping us grow and change for the better. They are building our character and our strength. They are getting us closer to our purpose. If we do not continue to cling to God and believe in him, having faith that He is still with us in this journey, it takes us to a dark place.

Naomi may have started in the darkness, but God still had plans for her. It started with Ruth, her companion, refusing to leave her alone in her grief. It continued as she journeyed back home, her safe place. Once there, she started to have hope of a new life. Sending Ruth out on a job started a new opportunity that led to Naomi finding new love in a baby. And it was no ordinary baby. This baby would be a descendent of David a great man of God. God already knew the blessings He had in store for Naomi. It’s hard to see a possibility of blessings when you have lost everything.

God has amazing blessings for you. The new chapter that came to Naomi is one she never knew could be possible. It brought a new light and a new life to her. “The women said to Naomi: “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.” Then Naomi took the child in her arms and cared for him.” (Ruth 4: 14-16)

Don’t look at your loss and feel that loss defines you now. Don’t feel discouraged like this is the end. Your story does not end here in this sad place. God has something amazing ahead of you. Claim it and remind yourself of that daily. A new chapter is coming that will bring new light and new life to you. Something you could not have ever imagined or seen is coming. God is always for you and not against you. So don’t call yourself Mara. Don’t let bitterness creep in. The minute you start to feel that anger creeping in towards your life and towards others take a moment and sit with God. Ask him for his peace. Ask him to show you His love and pour all of your feelings onto him. Tell him how you feel because he already knows. Give him this load and trust that everything is going to be okay.


Don’t Doubt His Love


When You Love the Person That Hurts You