
A Graceful Path is the journey to healing your trauma with God as your guide. You are so precious and important to Him. Every hurt you experience and every trauma, He cares about. There’s no one better than the One who created this world to hold your heart in His hands. Let’s journey through the tough questions and the understandings. Let’s remember to love and nurture ourselves. Finally, let’s not give up and keep taking that next step to healing. You are not alone in this.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

‭‭. Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Hi, I’m Soko

As I have journeyed through different traumas in my life, God has led me on His graceful path of healing. I have found myself coming out stronger and wiser. I share what I have learned through my journey as a survivor of my country’s civil war, widowhood, divorce, and loss. I look forward to knowing and growing with you.

Healing Heart

Spiritual Growth

Loving You


Monthly Encouragement Newsletter

Featured Product

My Affirmations Journal: Skin Deep Edition focuses on our connection to our body. It takes you on a journey to appreciating the wonder that it is. With affirmations, journal prompts and a devotion, every part of this journal is to encourage you to pour love into your body no matter what.

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Let’s Go Deeper
Healing Heart Soko Thompson Healing Heart Soko Thompson

Let’s Go Deeper

We can say we forgive someone but just saying it doesn’t mean you are doing it. Sometimes we have to go deeper to see if we really do. There is a great blessing when we get to the bottom of it.

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Share Your Story
Healing Heart Soko Thompson Healing Heart Soko Thompson

Share Your Story

There are many reasons for sharing with others the story of overcoming and beating challenges aside from becoming an amazing story teller that could possibly go down in history. It’s also a major step in healing.

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How Do You Trust Again?
Healing Heart Soko Thompson Healing Heart Soko Thompson

How Do You Trust Again?

When we have gotten hurt in relationships, we have talked about forgiving and letting it go. Two different challenges that are good for us to move on in our growing and glowing. But eventually we will find ourselves with the question of how do we trust again.

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Thank You Letter
Healing Heart Soko Thompson Healing Heart Soko Thompson

Thank You Letter

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Let God Heal You
Healing Heart Soko Thompson Healing Heart Soko Thompson

Let God Heal You

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It Takes Time
Healing Heart Soko Thompson Healing Heart Soko Thompson

It Takes Time

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