God’s Healing Path

“[F]or I am the Lord who heals you.” - Exodus 15:26

There are three seasons I experienced deep heartbreak in my life. All three were different. Loss of a spouse, miscarriages and divorce. In each of these seasons, God has been with me through my healing journey. I have talked about how God heals us through time, going through the process and dealing with the aftermath. But in case you’re wondering what does he do when you need that healing… in case you’re thinking, “I don’t see it, I can’t feel it, is he even here?” I wanted to give you some signs to look for so that you can confirm that he is indeed there. The pain can be so overwhelming, it can be all that we see. But God wants you to see him through that pain. He wants you to know that you are not alone and that he is walking with you and guiding you through this dark valley.

He surrounds you with the right people.

He sends people to hold you while you cry or encourage you in this dark moment. Your family, your friend, a random person that showed up out of nowhere. Remember, coincidences aren’t coincidences. They are God at work. In each season, I had someone I didn’t know I needed for each situation. I had someone who had dealt with loss sharing their wisdom. I had a sweet single mom reach out to guide me and support me. I had someone to share my pain with, because they were going through the same thing. I had someone who had survived an abusive relationship, give me encouraging messages and advice. God is either leading you to that someone or he leads that someone to you.

He handles the memories.

After loss, God helped me find ways to treasure the good memories. Many stories of my late husband have been shared with me through others, including gifts in his honor. It’s given me the opportunity to share his legacy with his kids. In the case of bad memories from my terrible relationship, God took me back to each place so that I would replace each of those memories with something good. Places I was afraid to return to because it brought back a lot of pain of what took place there are now replaced with a new memory of laughter and blessing. In some cases, I was brought back by circumstance to just face the fear and pain. In those moments, I could feel my power return. It was these moments that gave me the confidence to keeping facing my fears and not block them. Allowing me to let go, move forward and heal.

He sends a lot of love your way.

Sometimes it feels like things just keep getting worse in a moment of heartbreak. You find out you have cancer; the miscarriage has put a strain on your marriage; you don’t have the money to cover the bills; you are struggling with raising your kids. Any number of things could pop up and it just seems so hard. I remember crying out ‘why God, why is this happening?’ It is in these difficult moments, the blessings begin to come. That rent is now covered. The heat is working again. A true friend is revealed. A relationship is on the mend. Hope is beginning to be restored. I don’t understand why these things happen and I’m still trying to figure it out, but I do know that I made it through because of love felt, a random blessing I didn’t see coming, or a moment of bliss showing me that it can and will get better and to not give up hope. 

As we all deal with grief and heartache differently, we also heal from it differently.

God has a unique specialized healing journey for you. Keep your eyes open to look for the little blessings and the big ones. Look to see what he’s doing and where he’s taking you, hold on to him as tightly as possible. I know in this moment, I always felt like I was not ever going to be able to get up or to get out, but I did every single time. It is not an easy journey. It requires all of your strength, faith and hope, but wherever you fall short, he will fill the rest. If you feel like you don’t have any of it, God will still carry you the rest of the way. Hang in there. You are loved, you are light and you are amazing.


About That Next Time…


You Were Made To Shine